Angular: Set Up Frontend and verify Connection to NestJs BE | Blog Project V-06
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Thumbnail remade on 06.06.2020.
Link to repository:
If you clone the repo, don't forget to replace the Postgres Database Url in the .env file.
00:00 Introduction
00:30 Content of this video
00:55 Video Structure
01:10 Video Outcome
02:09 Looking at the user story in trello
05:00 Create new feature branch video-06
05:50 Check ng version
06:30 Update ng
07:15 Create Frontend with angular and some informations
11:00 Add angular Material
11:40 Add Angular Material Toolbar at top for navigation
15:00 Generate 'admin' module
15:50 Generate admin 'overview' component and login and register components
17:20 Lazy Load AdminModule
20:40 Routing for Login and Register
22:10 Create Service autenthication
23:20 Login Method for authenticationService and save jwt-token in localstorgage of Browser
28:30 Cors Error
30:40 Add Prefix for our nestjs backend, '.../api/...'
33:40 Connection from Front to Backend is established
34:30 Commit Changes
35:20 Check against the trello user story if everything is done
35:54 Short Look at next video
I appreciate every feedback in the comments and would be happy if you also like && subscribe :)
NestJS is used in v7.
Angular is used in v9.
Nodejs is used in v12.
NPM is used in v6.
Link to repository:
If you clone the repo, don't forget to replace the Postgres Database Url in the .env file.
00:00 Introduction
00:30 Content of this video
00:55 Video Structure
01:10 Video Outcome
02:09 Looking at the user story in trello
05:00 Create new feature branch video-06
05:50 Check ng version
06:30 Update ng
07:15 Create Frontend with angular and some informations
11:00 Add angular Material
11:40 Add Angular Material Toolbar at top for navigation
15:00 Generate 'admin' module
15:50 Generate admin 'overview' component and login and register components
17:20 Lazy Load AdminModule
20:40 Routing for Login and Register
22:10 Create Service autenthication
23:20 Login Method for authenticationService and save jwt-token in localstorgage of Browser
28:30 Cors Error
30:40 Add Prefix for our nestjs backend, '.../api/...'
33:40 Connection from Front to Backend is established
34:30 Commit Changes
35:20 Check against the trello user story if everything is done
35:54 Short Look at next video
I appreciate every feedback in the comments and would be happy if you also like && subscribe :)
NestJS is used in v7.
Angular is used in v9.
Nodejs is used in v12.
NPM is used in v6.