Angular: Set Up Frontend and verify Connection to NestJs BE | Blog Project V-06

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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Content of this video
00:55 Video Structure
01:10 Video Outcome
02:09 Looking at the user story in trello
05:00 Create new feature branch video-06
05:50 Check ng version
06:30 Update ng
07:15 Create Frontend with angular and some informations
11:00 Add angular Material
11:40 Add Angular Material Toolbar at top for navigation
15:00 Generate 'admin' module
15:50 Generate admin 'overview' component and login and register components
17:20 Lazy Load AdminModule
20:40 Routing for Login and Register
22:10 Create Service autenthication
23:20 Login Method for authenticationService and save jwt-token in localstorgage of Browser
28:30 Cors Error
30:40 Add Prefix for our nestjs backend, '.../api/...'
33:40 Connection from Front to Backend is established
34:30 Commit Changes
35:20 Check against the trello user story if everything is done
35:54 Short Look at next video

I appreciate every feedback in the comments and would be happy if you also like && subscribe :)

NestJS is used in v7.
Angular is used in v9.
Nodejs is used in v12.
NPM is used in v6.


Рекомендации по теме

This video was difficult for me, I don't have much experience with angular.
Great tutorial, I am learning angular in this tutorial, thanks professor Thomas Oliver.


The next Video where we finish the login and register component with real logic and forms will be coming in 2 to 3 days. Cause these are very strong coupled. And this was just to verify, that we are able to reach our backend.


I am actually very grateful that i found such a great content about nest and angular,
I have question, do u recommend to jump into angular part or, to follow the natural order, cause i'm working on a project and i can say that i ended up the nest js part, now i'm struggling with angular, so thats why i want to know if i can jump directly to it!
Many thanks for for sharing this piece of great content


Sir found your tutorial to be very helpful but just require one other help regarding how you have declared the api, as I am only developing the frontend and need to log the values in console.


I don't have the access token in localStorage when i inspect it, in postman it works !!
Do you have an Idea about the problem please !!!


Hello Thomas, I'm learning Angular and found your videos very useful. I'm developing a final project for a course with a backend with Java and was wondering if you know any channel where I can find a mix of the two. I see you have developed yours with a backend in NestJS, hence my question. Thanks!!!


That's great tutorial. But could you put some code for returning error message when request is failed pls?
