How Do The Sun And Planets Influence Your Nature? | Maurice Cotterell

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Do The Stars Effect Your Personality? | Maurice Cotterell

".. Most People Appreciate That The Earth Spins On Its Axis Every 24 Hours, We Call That 1 Day .. But What Few People Recognize Is That The Sun Also Spins On Its Axis. It Takes 28 Days For The Sun To Spin Once At The Equator. Now, It Actually Spins Faster At The North Pole And The South Pole - That's Called The Differential Rotation Of The Sun's Magnetic Field .. Every time The Sun Spins Once At The Equator It Showers The Earth With Different Types Of Particles; These Are Positive (+) Particles And Negative (-) Particles .. The Reason It Does This Is The Result Of The Solar Fusion Process And The Churning Of The Two Magnetic Fields As They Differentially Rotate .. So As It Spins The Equatorial Region Of The Sun Radiates A Different Sequence Of Charged Particles Every Month Within Any 12 Month Period .. The Alternating Positive (+) And Negative (-) Particles Travel To The Earth In What We Now Call The Solar Wind .. But When They Strike The Van Allen Belt Which Encircle The Earth They Squash And Pull The Earths Magnetic Field; They Modulate The Earths Magnetism .. And We Know That Magnetic Fields Cause Genetic Mutation In Test Tube Baby Experiments And We Know Also That Personality Is Genetically Determined .. This Means That The 12 Different Codes Of Radiation From The Sun Results In 12 Different Codes Of Magnetic Field Which Causes 12 Types Of Genetic Mutation In The Early Fetus At The Time Of Conception And As A Result 12 Different Types Of Personality Each Year On Earth .. Now Of Course The Astrologers Also Say That The Planets Change Things .. The Solar System Behaves Like An Old Fashioned TV Tube .. Imagine That At One End - Say The Left Hand Side - We Have The Sun Showering The Earth With A Mixture Of Positive (+) Or Negative (-) Electric Particles .. And At The Other End - Say On The Right - We Have The Earth As The TV Screen.. The Planets Mercury And Venus Moving Between The Sun And The Earth Reflect The Beam Of Solar Radiation Striking The Earth .. This Causes Small Changes In The Magnetic Field Of The Earth Which Can Effect The Moment Of Birth And Also The Biorhythms Of The Individual Following Birth .. The Positions Of The Outer Planets Have The Ability To Accelerate The Solar Particle Beam Increasing Or Decreasing The Kinetic Energy Carried By The Particles Thereby Increasing Or Decreasing The Effects Of The Particles Themselves .. "
Solar rotation varies with latitude. The Sun is not a solid body, but is composed of a gaseous plasma. Different latitudes rotate at different periods. The source of this differential rotation is an area of current research in solar astronomy. The rate of surface rotation is observed to be the fastest at the equator and to decrease as latitude increases. The solar rotation period is 25.67 days at the equator and 33.40 days at 75 degrees of latitude.
*This video is condensed. Full video here:
*Additional details from Maurice Cotterell (must watch):
In 1989 engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilizations, first the Mayas of Central America, those of Tutankhamun of Egypt, and the Viracochas’ of South America, before cracking the codes of the Terracotta Warriors of China and the European Celts.

Awesome knowledge from Maurice Cotterell. Thank you.
