The world’s BEST CHOCOLATE Stores in the Swiss Alps 🇨🇭- It’s All Eats

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Spanian sitting by the river reflecting on how far he’s come and changed his life was pure joy to watch


I cant even put into words how inspiring it is to see you living your dreams eating the best chocolate at the top of the world by the freshest waters, casually dropping 19 bands on a Breitling watch without thinking about it and bringing your family along with you for the ride, brother your one of the leaders in this new age! you teach young men and women that this lifestyle isn't just a dream but a possibility, there isn't many who do it like you Spanian! eternally grateful!


The way Span has changed his life around is so hectic. Keep it up bro good to see you winning.


I am 65 and I love love love your videos, I love the noise you make when you are enjoying your food it makes me laugh every time, I’m going through a very hard time as my husband has dementia, it’s such a horrible disease to have. So I watch your videos for a little sunshine in my life, you have come such a very long way well done 👍🏼


I’ve never been so happy for someone I don’t know. Well done to you.


Respect! Watching you sitting by that river, looking up into the mountains and smiling was actually emotional. Don’t know you personally but someone, somewhere in the world is damn proud and happy for you!


The joy Spanian exudes crouched on the side of the road while munching chocolate in Switzerland gives me so much life and makes me want to travel to Europe.

Editing to add, imagine a "fondue for two? Don't mind if I do" kids' picture book starring Spanian and his fam in the Alps


Spanian is an excellent example of how everyone should look at life. Doesn't matter who you are and what you've done in the past. Doesn't matter if you're a hard cnt eshay, or an entitled wealthy lawyer - you can't deny the beauty of the world we live in and nothing should stop you from appreciating it before it's too late


To see you go up on the mountain, that was my favourite part. I honestly couldn’t believe you did that Spanian. I was fighting back tears when you bought yourself a watch, happy tears. Spanian, you are proof that we all make bad choices but it doesn’t define who we are.
You are going to make a difference to so many people. Your a good man Spanian.
Debbie xxx old lady, Nsw. Thankyou sweetheart, for being you.


Spanian mate you are a perfect example of a man embracing life.

It’s great watching these uploads, there is so much junk on YouTube it’s refreshing that someone is on here just being themselves, it natural in ever way.

Much love brother


I know your story of your past and to see you doing what you do now is mind blowing. Hearing the story when you gave up the drugs and cigarettes and all that gave me the inspiration to give up smoking and it has been three months since i had a smoke and feel so good about myself when thinking it would never happen . I watch all your videos and love each one keep it up


Call me biased but as a Swiss seeing the joy and reflection you got in those beautiful places made me very happy!

If you are still hanging around Switzerland I highly recommend some good ol' Racclette, Zürich Geschnetzeltes w. Rösti or if you wanna keep it simple and easy some "Alpen Macaroni". Depending on what region you are you get some incredible varied food inspirations!


The moment he had to himself where he was sitting by the water was great to see. Glad to see you winning and providing great content for us all!


Forget prison rehab programs just show Spanian’s videos to all the prisoners 😊


Man how beautiful are those small swiss villages. What a stunning place especially that second location, seeing those cliffs and waterfalls in almost every background shot. Imagine waking up to that view every day and I imagine also having snow during the winter months. I appreciate just being able to see the beauty even if it is through someone else’s camera lens


Maybe its the fact that I lived in Switzerland for a while but I need to say this is my favorite videos of yours so far !! How you act in the nature and having these glow in your eyes when you see the mountains and eating the chocolate is so WHOLESOME, love it !!


Bro I don't know why I laughed when I saw the thumbnail, maybe it's because it's unbelievable to see your vids from 3 years ago until now. Inspirational and proof that you can do anything as long as you set your mind to it.


Definitely one of your best episodes to date brah, almost wanted to tear up watching you reflect on your life by the river haha, quality as always


Well done spanian with turning your life around,

To see you proud buying your brietling legit this time around just shows how far you've come cuz...keep it up !!


Honestly your most grounded and inspiring video you've ever done Span, proud of your journey, three cheers to us all following your lead! 💪
