Long Beach woman arrested after terrorizing neighbors with racist rants, death threats

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Several residents living at an apartment complex in Long Beach said they fear for their lives after dealing with a neighbor who allegedly threatened them daily.

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Man, some people just live to make everyone around them miserable. What a wretched lady.


Not even joking. I have a crazy neighbor next door who does this EXACT SHIT. She would threaten us for no reason, slam her doors over and over, and scream at all hours of the night. I can’t believe how many of these things she does. She legitimately threatened to blow up our house for no reason at all. She’d scream in our bathroom window at all hours of the night because it faces her yard. I literally called the cops on her every day for a year before she was arrested. She was arrested a whole 3 separate times for harassing us. It was always unprovoked and for no reason at all. It was like she’s just bored but also one of the most horrible human beings you’ve ever come into contact with. Actual pure evil.


She needs to be put away, this goes way beyond harassment.


It isnt "crazy". It is criminal.


“I moved in and I was black”… he has the right to fear his life with that crazy lady


Omg what’s wrong with this woman, every family has a right to live in peace


She SHOULD BE REMOVED! How has she been allowed to get away with this. Basically she’s committing verbal assault as a hate crime and hate speech. Prayers sent for those folks.


This is one of the chillest dudes ever.


Can’t imagine putting up with this everyday. Not being able to get these type of people arrested or the mental help they need can escalate into someone ending up hurt or dead.


If she does that shit to someone who's got nothing to lose, she's dead


The landlord is lying. There's no way any court would throw this eviction out...
She has a restraining order against her from another tenant! LEGALLY, she cannot live there!


They need to sue the property management


Unfortunately this happens a lot! You might call the police on a neighbor that’s threatening & terrorizing you. The cops show up & tell you there’s nothing they can do about it & leave. Then you get into another altercation with the same person, someone gets killed & the other one goes to jail. & it might be you in jail. It’s like they want it to happen


That’s terrifying. How is she still able to live there with restraining orders against her? They need to call the cops the second they see her so they can keep arresting her until she moves.


I was about 36 at the time. It was me, my husband, 3 year old daughter and newborn baby at the time. We moved into a new apartment and the lanlord a lady, was so sweet in the beginning and then after a couple of months she wanted us out right after we fixed up the entire apartment and started putting us through hell. She terrorized us daily, mostly after my husband left for work. She kept turning the heat off and we were freezing, one night it got so bad someone had to come and saw my children were wrapped in blankets it was 39 degrees in the apartment in the middle of winter. That got fixed but then one day I tried to leave for work and couldn't get out of the building she padlocked us in, we called the cops and she got into trouble. We got another place literally withing days. And the night before we were about to move my then 4 year old daughter ran downstairs in her socks to grab something from my mom who stopped by and when my mother left the lanlord said hi sweetheart and then pushed my daughter out the door into the cold and snow and locked the door. I was at the top of the stairs with my son in my arms she didn't know. I put my baby down she had the nerve to rush up the stairs screaming and I lost it. She through a crazy fit trying to hit and I threw her down the entire flight of stairs. Some people are just out of their minds


Arrested and released - sue the management company for your legal fees.


Judging by this lady’s actions, she’s clinically crazy. Don’t know why a judge can’t order a psychiatrist to evaluate her and maybe put her on some kind of hold or medication.


She's probably the wife of the dude yelling at the street taco vendor in Long Beach a few days earlier 😳


Congrats lady. You just made "Karens" seem like good hearted people.


I had a similar problem. The cops did nothing, they'd say "it's not against the law to be crazy". This kind of people usually have the excuse of taking some kind of medication, this shields them from all responsibilities.
