10 Ways To Burn More Fat With Your Kettlebell Swings (AND Improve Your “Cardio”)

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Sometimes you need “basic” and “simple.”

But don’t be fooled - neither word necessarily means “easy”.

And nothing in the KB world defines those two words better than the Swing.

Especially if you don’t know how to Snatch, or you’re nursing / recovering from an injury that prohibits you from going overhead with the Press or the Snatch.

Here are 10 different ways to “cook” your Swing so you burn more calories and therefore potentially more fat, if that’s your goal.

(Plus, you’ll breathe harder as a result of implementing these, which challenges your cardiovascular system and improves your health and potential longevity - if those things are important to you.)

1- Do more Swings per set

2- Do more Swings per workout

3- Use a heavier KB

4- Focus on the “float” - the “hang time” or “pause” at the top of the Swing

5- Swing your KB more explosively

6- Use “Overspeed Eccentric” (“Throw” the KB down)

7- Use TWO (a pair) of KBs (a.k.a. The Double Swing)

8- Swing the KB to eye-height instead of chest-height

9- Use “Grease-The-Groove” Swings - Multiple sets performed throughout the day

10- Increase the “tempo” or speed of your Swings in each set so you do more Swings in the same time period (ex. 20 Swings in 30 seconds → 22 Swings in 30 seconds)

11- Increase your Swing training frequency - Ex. 3 days a week → 4 days a week

Add any one or more to your Swing training and watch your heart rate and sweat production increase.

Andrew reported that the 1.2 program -

“... that this program tore through my belly fat with amazing efficiency. In just 5 and a half weeks my waistline flattened really noticeably without any major dietary changes. Shirts and jeans fit better, and other people remarked on the improvement. This is definitely the best fat loss response l've had to any program, including distance running.”

Stay Strong,
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Love and own a bunch of your programs, but we all know that you can't loose localized fat (ie belly fat) - you loose fat. And in order to do that you have to be in a caloric deficit. You even mention this in some of your programs.


Hi Geoff, have you the equivalent of this, the giant and KSK but for front squats???? Thanks, can see it being tough, maybe the toughest but also worthwhile
