When You Have Never Had a Girlfriend and You Want One

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I am 42 years old. I never had sex. never had a girlfriend. I struggled talking to women throughout my 20s 30s and now 40s. the only time I touch or flirt with women is at the strip club. I have been on 2 dates my entire life. thats it. I see guys with girlfriends all the time and I honest to god wonder how in the world they get them. I feel it is almost impossible. I dont even know how to go about hooking up with a girl. in my mind it is a mountain that is too tall to climb. I honestly felt I would end up alone. I had alog of fear early on in life. I have always been depressed about this issue. it effects your self esteem and self confidence big time and the longer and older you get without sex and companionship the more mental turmoil guilt you experience. and the advice oh just socialize and you will meet someone. thats bullshit. first of all some of us guys are intoverts. we cant socialize or joke around I never socialize with women for any reason unless their is a goo of reason to. and even if u did talk to a girl there is no gaurantee she will want to be with you or give you her number. so basically there is no exact formula to get a girlfriend. there is no way to figure his marix out. why are some guys with girls and some not. on what rules. how? and why? there are no rules ... the entire issue with meeting someone is actualy all based on luck, territory, personality differences, social proof, and a bunch of random things that you may suck at. but that doesnt mean you are a bad person. if you are a great guy who is nice looking and honest but you are shy and quiet you will end up alone. if u are a guy who is not so good looking and you are loud and obnoxious you will get a girlfriend. you could be better than thenext guy and end up lonely. and I am good looking by the way but I never get gurls.


Good advice because i been wonder why i still single because i didn't go out much outside


I am going to be 23 next month and still single, never had a girlfriend before. I have already started thinking myself as a big loser especially when I see all of my other friends chatting with their girlfriend and talk about their girlfriend.everyday I feel so frustrate because of this.😭😔


You say those things like they are simple and easy to do. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be here watching these kinds of videos.


best advice from a video ive seen so far get some self esteme first so you can actually talk to her and have a conversation not just saying rehearsed things to say and things will happen on their own. that and a little bit in (but NEVER first thing) just be like hey im stupid shy around girls sorry if im making anything wierd


if you have a fear of socializing and flirting with women in the real world like I do then you cant meet anyone so the advice of meeting someone some day may never happen due to social anxiety. and even if you socialize and have a conversation with a women, you still have to know how to close her which means get her number. then you have to get her on a date and then keep impressing her so sh sticks around. some of us cant do all that crap. I am a simple guy who needs a girl who can be understanding. the problem with women now adays is they are too complicated and unreasonable. they lie play hard to get are attention seekers and have no compassion towards anyone except their self interest.


I agree that self improvement is extremely important.. but for me, a 24 year old guy who has never had a girlfriend, I have found that a life of contentment doing a job that does not or will never pay that much is not enough for a woman now days.  I understand that women are generally attracted to ambition when looking for a life long partner, but what I don't understand is why that ambition has to be linked to making more money. 


Oh man...at your age I wasn't even thinking about it. But if YOU only, really want or need a girlfriend is just 3 steps. Being cool about yourself and unreactive of others opinions, talk to every girl or person to build momentum, and don't be NICE. You can say a compliment but you can also say doesn't know about music or whatever...But being cool (not friendly) it's enough advice before 20, girls just jump at you 'cause teens chase men :)


im 22 and never had a girlfriend and after watching a few of these youtube videos i really think that this is great advice 👍


The first step is hard. It's a lifelong process, so maybe I can start looking for a gf in the afterlife? xD
I get what you mean, but still.


Im 15 and have not had a girlfriend. I've tried asking at least 5 girls out and they all said no. Im a nice guy and i find myself pretty attractive so i have no idea why I've never had a girlfriend


i'm almost 26 and I still live at home with my parents, but I do have a job and a car at least, but my job is not enough to pay rent for an apartment, I make like 500 dollars every 2 weeks, get my paycheck twice a month, wondering if it is still possible for me to get a girlfriend despite being in this situation


its always the man that needs to change and never the woman.


Just don't look for any kind of job because hiring managers don't like people who want a job, is like going to watch "a movie", define what you really want if it's action, comedy, suspense etc. And every time you have a person in front of you just chat. Their reaction can be negative but we all have negative feelings polluting our brains, or put up excuses which are real facts but we can't use as barrier to keep on going... So is for you to be the only positive in this shit!!! no matter what.
