How To Fix Windows 10 Activation Error Code 0xc004f074 [Tutorial]

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This tutorial addresses the Windows 10 activation problem with the following error code message : 0xC004F074 or when you find "Windows is unable to reach your company’s activation service."

Usually after you made the upgrade to Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system you are supposed to activate your product. Well some users after the installation of Windows 8 finishes they get the error code 0xc004f074 instead and are unable to continue with the activation process of the Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system.

There are several methods that we are going to do in order to fix this issue that you get in Windows 8 or Windows 10 but keep in mind that you need to follow the instructions below very carefully to resolve the error 0xc004f074 in the shortest time possible. I will show you guys how to get rid of the error 0xc004f074 and activate your operating system.

On the start screen of the Windows 8 or Windows 10 device left click on the Desktop icon you have in that menu.

When you opened the desktop you will need to left click on the start button and left click on the icon “Command Prompt” but be sure to open the one with administrative rights.

Note: To open command prompt with administrative rights you need to right click on the “Command Prompt” icon and left click on “Run as administrator”.

If prompted by a message left click on the “Yes” button to proceed further.

Note: Replace the Y letters in the code with your product key number. And also the product key should have 25 numbers.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba,Lenovo, and Samsung).
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Your solution/address to issue/error enumerated in the description rocks till this date!!! Big thanks man.


it did say that installed successfully but after restarting it still says not activated please help


When I tried to enter that, Windows told me that Windows Script Host access is disabled in my machine. Do you know how to fix that?


Hello MDTechVideos,
I have already done all the steps you showed in the video without any problems, but when I finished restarting my laptop it still says that I still need to activate my product key. Though it did remove the watermark (there used to be a watermark on the right bottom side of the screen saying something like "Windows License Expired, Activate Windows Product Key") but when I go to settings it still says that I need to activate it. Same goes to Microsoft Word, Excel and PP (in the title thingy it says something like Document1- Product Activation Failed or something like that) and I am wondering if I had done something wrong that caused my activation attempt to fail? Looking forward to your reply, and thanks for reading.


Did u just make me restart my whole pc and now I have to put all my info again


It just opens up slmgr vbs file (in notepad), any help?


Ok i got a problem when i was done doing all of your steps and everthing. Nothing popped up please can someone help me
Is there a buttom to press or something to make it pop up


I get this error code because my org is down for covid and my license expired. Will this work for me?


Thanks so much!! The water mark is finally done


In the “Command Prompt” window you will need to write the following command “slmgr.vbs –ipk

why in your video no have VBS?


This video steps working fine but some people have an issue they can resolve windows 10 issue with us.


Lo probe hoy 08/septiembre/2019 y me funciono. La ultima linea de codigo me toco meterla por segunda vez, ya que la primera me arrojo un error. En la segunda quedo OK.


wait... why does it say access denied?


I cant see my product key, what to do?


Thanks so much first I had to download something because I couldn’t find my product key but now I got it and I’m good to go I was gonna factory reset my computer but good thing I found this video because if i factory reseted my computer I wouldn’t get my product key thanks


Hey that worked thanks! And to answer your question, I'm fine thanks; how are you doing?


Thank you so much bro, free hug for you. You're saving my life xoxo
