Owain Griffin – Is Functionalism Inconsistent?

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UConn Logic Colloquium, 10 November 2023

Owain Griffin (The Ohio State University)
"Is Functionalism Inconsistent?"

Starting with Bealer (1978), some authors have claimed that Beth-style definability results show functionalism about the mind to be inconsistent. If these arguments go through, then the Beth result provides a way of collapsing functionalism into reductionism – exactly what functionalists purport to deny. While this has received discussion in the literature (See Hellman & Thompson (1975), Block (1980), Tennant (1985)) it has recently been resuscitated and refined by Halvorson (2019). In this paper, we question the argument’s accuracy, and propose a new objection to it. We claim that in order to derive its conclusion, the argument relies fundamentally on equivocations concerning the notion of definability.

Probably. I'm just starting the video right now, but I know that consistency is hard. It does not come free. I would not be surprised of functionalism is inconsistent.
