Scottish First Minister Explains His Personal Concern With Israeli-Palestinian Conflict!

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Humza Yousaf the Scottish First Minister almost broke down as he explained the deep concern he has for extended family who are under threat in Gaza at the moment. The pressure must be even greater as he is a man of power but in this case with little or no influence.

Correction: Both of Humza's parents in-law are in Gaza.

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His father-in-law and mother-in-law are both there together. They travelled from Dundee for almost certainly a last visit to his father-in-law's father, who is 92, very ill, and not expected to live much longer. Indeed, he may already have died for all we know. People like him have no way of evacuating Gaza city, obviously.


I saw the video his mother in-law put out. It was Heartbreaking to watch. Innocent people are suffering.


This one video has taken me from believing that he had no right to be the First Minister of Scotland to huge admiration for the man.


A lot of love to Humza, his family, innocents across this dreadful situation


Collective punishment for a society in a war situation is nothing short of cruelty, and genocide . The world cannot standby and let this happen. 😭


Let’s see how the unionists use this absolute tragedy to kick the man while he is down


This shows the difference between the mentality of Scottish politicians vs British politicians, the brit politicians do not have the back bone to say this is wrong and has to stop. Why aren't the Israeli's being condemned for years of genocide? what is the reason?


Starch contrast of events and possible events in this tragic situation - yesterday Israel war minister and today Scottish 1st minister
where one sees only vengeance and revenge and the other sees humanitarian tragic


This is what compassion is. Common humanity, empathy.
Proud of our First Minister he demonstrates the overall situation.
This is why Scotland needs its independence, it might be a smaller voice of influence but at least it will be ours.


Im neither Jewish or Muslim, but i have worked in many conflict zones.
When South Africa practiced apartheid, they were condemed and ostracized by the west. Yet Israel openly practices apartheid and mealy mouthed politicians defend it. When Israel openly begins a pogrom of genocide, the best the west can do is to " hope they show restraint in the face of provocation".
Remember this, the Israeli defence minister did not stop at Hamas when he used the term Human animals, he openly included ALL Palastinines.
All terrorism is wrong and all innocents should always be protected, but Israel and a lot of western politicians seem to think that some innocents are more expendable than others.


And our Foreign Secretary has not even had the common decency to reply to his letters asking for assistance for his in-laws. Disgraceful conduct from UK minister ps


"Israel has the right to protect itself... but it cannot be at the price of innocent men, women and children..."
Why do so many other politicians not say the second part?


Last I heard was no, cleverly has not had the decency to contact the FM yet.


No response from Cleverly or Sunak Where is the humanity !


No rational person supports what Hamas did, but why are so many people so quick to defend Israel? Remember, the IDF were the soldiers who had "1 shot, 2 kills" t-shirts printed to celebrate the killing of pregnant Palestinian women, but somehow they have the moral high-ground?
Like with Ukraine/Russia, everyone picked a side and vehemently denied that their chosen side were anything other than pillars of morality?
Why can't people see that there's evil on both sides of these conflicts. In this instance, I believe Israel to be the main offender, but that doesn't mean I agree with what Hamas did.
To be fair though, I'm not entirely convinced the attack wasn't Israel's brainfart in the first place, as an excuse to attack Palestinian Gaza.


James Cleverly has been ignoring Humza Yousaf's messages and communications... Humza Yousaf has already said this...

In Scotland we are incredibly proud of the statesmanship of our last two First Ministers both Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf have lead the way where other UK Politicians have shown nought but cowardice and self interest...


I voted for Humza - i was impressed by his humbleness and compassionate response to various issues. He encapsulates the true political ideal - to be of service. He's not there to serve his own self. This is a horrific tragedy and the world will be forever scarred. Humza to you and your family, i am so sorry. As i am to all in our world who suffer so cruelly. Thank you Max for giving Humza air time, it's very appreciated as is your compassionate journalism/outlook ❤😢


What a decent, compassionate man, saw this whole interview yesterday. He's genuinely hurting. Awful that those in Westminster have not reached out to him.


And the Tories first responses blockade Gaza.


Good afternoon Max and all here. My heart goes out to all civilians. In the midst of cruel wars we can't forget about their suffering.
