learn verb to do in Arabic#arabiclanguage #languagelearning #learnarabic #learning#shorts

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Learn how to use the Arabic verb 'To Do' - يفعل (Yafʿal) in everyday conversation. This video breaks down the verb's conjugation across all pronouns, helping non-native speakers master this essential Arabic verb. Perfect for beginners learning Arabic!"
أنا أفعل واجبي (anā afʿal wājibī) - I do my homework
أنتَ تفعل واجبك (anta tafʿal wājibak) - You (m) do your homework
أنتِ تفعلين واجبكِ (anti tafʿalīn wājibik) - You (f) do your homework
هو يفعل واجبه (huwa yafʿal wājibahu) - He does his homework
هي تفعل واجبها (hiya tafʿal wājibahā) - She does her homework
نحن نفعل واجبنا (naḥnu nafʿal wājibinā) - We do our homework
أنتم تفعلون واجبكم (antum tafʿalūn wājibakum) - You (pl) do your homework
هم يفعلون واجبهم (hum yafʿalūn wājibahum) - They do their homework #QuickArabicLesson
#YouTubeShorts #studyarabic for more videos:
أنا أفعل واجبي (anā afʿal wājibī) - I do my homework
أنتَ تفعل واجبك (anta tafʿal wājibak) - You (m) do your homework
أنتِ تفعلين واجبكِ (anti tafʿalīn wājibik) - You (f) do your homework
هو يفعل واجبه (huwa yafʿal wājibahu) - He does his homework
هي تفعل واجبها (hiya tafʿal wājibahā) - She does her homework
نحن نفعل واجبنا (naḥnu nafʿal wājibinā) - We do our homework
أنتم تفعلون واجبكم (antum tafʿalūn wājibakum) - You (pl) do your homework
هم يفعلون واجبهم (hum yafʿalūn wājibahum) - They do their homework #QuickArabicLesson
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