A life that's worthy of the Gospel. - William Branham /63-0630E, Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel?

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William Branham, 63-0630E - Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel?
The only way, the only way that you can live a life that's worthy of the Gospel, is let the Gospel Itself, every bit of the Gospel, come into you and reflect His promises back, make them vindicated. Let God live in you, to vindicate the promises of this day.
Just as John, as Jesus said to John, “Suffer it to be so, John. That's right. But we are the messengers of this day, and we've got to fulfill all righteousness.”
And if we are the Christians of this day, let's receive Jesus Christ into our heart. And He is the Word. Don't deny any of It. Say, “It's the Truth.” And place It in your heart, watch the fruit of the Spirit upon you, and fulfill every promise that He made in the Bible. God wants to fulfill His Word, and He don't have any hands but mine and yours. He don't have any eyes but mine and yours. He has no tongue but mine and yours. “I am the Vine. Ye are the branches.” The branches bears the fruit. The Vine energizes the branch. That's the life that's worthy.
131My prayer is, to those in radio or in... on the tape land, and those that are present. May the God of all grace, of Heaven, shine His blessed Holy Spirit upon us all, that we, from this night, henceforth, can live a life that God would say, “I'm well pleased. Enter into the Eternal joys that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world.” Let the God of Heaven send His blessings upon all you people.


Amen and Amen 🙏 ❤ Praise be to God in The Highest 🙏 ❤ Amen 🙏 ❤


Please pray for me...I really need some prayer right now. I’m not following William Branham’s teachings very well and I keep falling into sin 😞. I just feel like my life is pointless, I am unworthy of love and God’s love. Please help, please pray and if you would give me advice 😭
