Steven Anderson's New IFB Cult Infiltrating And Splitting Churches

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Steven Anderson’s New IFB cultists have an agenda to infiltrate “Old IFB” churches that do have some sound doctrine, and try to either convert those Old IFB churches over to Anderson’s heresies. Often this results in entire Baptist Churches splitting (due to some of the members of the Old IFB Church listening to Steven Anderson’s YouTube videos and being converted over to Anderson’s heresies and then trying to bring other members of the Church over to Anderson’s heresies). This is partly why many Old IFB Churches will kick out a member if they discover that they are listening to Steven Anderson or supporting Steven Anderson.

#NewIFB #NewIFBCult #StevenAnderson #StevenAndersonCult #StevenAndersonExposed

TAGS: Steven Anderson, Steven Lee Anderson, Steven L Anderson, Pastor Steven Anderson, Pastor Steven L Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church, New Independent Fundamental Baptist, New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement, New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Movement, New IFB, NIFB, Sanderson1611, Steven Anderson Cult, Steven Anderson Exposed,
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May I remind everyone of Matthew 10:34? “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
I am always willing to learn. I love to learn and study the Word of God and if I’m ever wrong, than I want to be corrected. I am also not defending people who use Anderson to spread hate, because they very much exist and some of them probably believe in vain. Yet, when I study what he teaches versus what is taught in other churches I can’t help but come to the conclusion that he is right.
“A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
We shouldn’t be afraid to fight one another on doctrine. Humble yourself before God, admit that maybe you could be wrong, and try to understand where the doctrine comes from. Then, if you are indeed correct, you will have the double edged sword to fight back with scripture. I rarely see this, however. It always seems to be personal attacks on followers, or saying that he’s mean, or something along those lines.


God’s word is sharper than any two edged sword
Him preaching Gods word and you can look at any of his sermons and realize he backs up everything he says with Gods word

It’s not a surprise people are seeing the truth and separating from church’s but you watch his preaching he actually says to stay in a independent fundamental baptist church as long as they’re preaching out of KJV Bible and soul winning and etc. he doesn’t advocate people to leave church’s unless they’re preaching a different gospel than the gospel The Bible teaches


Bruh you are listening to Sam gipp? Then you say Steven Anderson is wrong come on

Same gipp doesn’t even call Jesus his messiah
Try the spirits see if they are of God


Glad to see Steven Anderson being exposed, known for a while he was a false teacher. So glad he is being exposed and rebuked. I didn’t realize you were Canadian, I am in Ontario.


Read galatians!!! Jesus is the NEW covanent!! Jesus never one time claimed to be a jew or king of the jews!

Not all of Isreal is Isreal!
