Want to make your own streaming server so you can deliver live HTTP video to your website? Grab a VPS and strap in, because it's easier than you might think!
Cool seeing you make this happen. I'm learning to work with the terminal, and it was cool recognizing some of what I've learned.
This video earned you a sub, and likely the next time I'm at a convenient spot to do so, a patron too!
This is the kind of things people need for a business or support.
don't forget to set 2 new inbound rules in the droplet's firewall:
TCP 1935
TCP 8080
This tutorial helped me set up a stream server without any previous experience. Thanks for your super valuable help!!!
Nerd in the street, they call it murdaaaa! Welcome to jamrock!
This really helped me out! I had been following the same guide as you, but once it go to loading the stream in VideoJS, it just wasn't having it... Thanks to you I saw that I needed to enable SSL in the Nginx config and it worked straight away, so thank you!
This video helped me a lot to get my final project half way done
Thank you so much
You got now a new subscriber
Loved your analysis and open commentry on streaming services and big tech. I think most of them are covering their asses, but I too totally object to people telling me what I can and cannot do online. I now have multiple VPS with multiple providers like digital ocean. However, ... it seems, as far as I know, that to stream your vid to 10k people usinng your own server would cost an insane amount of money in bandwidth charges. ( If someone knows otherwise, please let me know. ) This is how people like Google, Amazon and Microsoft get away with telling you what you can and cannot do.
I’ll save this video, cant see any reason why I would not need this in the near future. Thanks for making this, Jacob.
thank you sheldon cooper 😂😂😂❤ that was helpful
I finally solved the streaming problem with this setup after 4 years of failed attempts. The problem wasn't with the server the problem was with open broadcaster software and the choice of the encoder. I was using the nvenc and coder but then today I switched to the nvenc new encoder and suddenly everything works.
Also, loved the video. I'm now missing a final piece of the puzzle which would be to source the video to send to the backend server using just a web page and a webcam, rather than installing dedicated pc software (which is what you seemed to do here). If you want another challenge, please consider figuring that out.
I'm Using : nginx-http-flv-module it's a fork of the rtmp module but add's flv for javascript compatibility this drops down the lag to about 2-3 seconds. Also nice to have a look is the Node-Media-Server it's a multi protocol stream server including rtmp / hls / WebSockets. You cut back on the bandwidth anyway, but also performance of your web server that does not always refresh the * .ts files and *.m3u8 playlist.
I use this to turn an small brand computer (Pi/ThinClient) into an NVR for IP camera's this is running flawless since ±2013
Hi, I know this is an old video, but is seeking also possible ? And does this also work for audio only? Iam looking for a way to stream audio (wav) files via HLS to a music player on my website. Thank you for the video!
worth noting that you no longer have to compile nginx with rtmp by yourself, libnginx-mod-rtmp is available for debian and ubuntu
Thank you so much. really good steps by steps for non-tech like me.
It's helped me set up a streaming server done, Thanks.
Thanks man, now i can run my server with ssl. I wish this tutorial would've been available 3 years ago Haha
hello so at 13:34 you put in an edit saying "We need this enabled", but what am I enabling? I'm asking cause I get to the part where I can start the streaming and all that works but with I do IP:8080/hls/test.m3u8 I only get the Nginx error page. thanks for any input