How Powerful Is Thor?

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How Powerful Is Thor? Throughout the decades, the cunning Avengers have had the very important task to save the Earth time and time again, and one of them is none other than the overpowered, muscular chad Thor, the Norse god of thunder! From fighting the Silver Surfer, one of Galactus' heralds, to the incredible Hulk, to even the Phoenix Force and Celestials, Thor has had his very fair share of impressive feats and accolades over time!

So, in this video, I analyze a good number of Thor the thunder god's feats throughout the years to decipher how strong, fast, and durable he really is!

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I hope you all enjoyed! Kratos VS Gorr coming up next!!


After seeing this, you realize how Thor is truly disgustingly nerfed in the MCU


One major speed factor you could have also mentioned is the fact thor and Ares fought an entire war between the two of them between the moments of a plank which is the smallest possible measurement of time


Good video. Thor is one of the most powerful comic book heroes ever created. He's also one of the best ever made.

He's basically Marvel's true answer to DC's Superman.


Thor really deserves a lot more respect. Though, a few of his modern iterations don’t do him that much justice.


Im only halfway through this and i gotta say, Vegeta stood NO chance in that deathbattle😂
I knew he was fucked but this is ridculous😂


You didn't even mention Rune King Thor, who is just basically TOAA in a different body, able to erase anyone out of existence with a wave of his hand. Also there's Herald Thor/Cosmic Thor, who may have even been mightier than RKT, at least in energy projection, raw strength, and durability/regeneration. But I get it, those are "special occassion" levels of Thor with extra plot mojo.

The thing is, usually he's just disinterested and not willing to throw down at max power, so he doesn't give every fight or encounter 100%. Because of that, many people think he's on a lower scale, but if he's paying attention and really needs to focus, he's absolutely a multiversal power.


In other words, Vegeta was beyond screwed from the beginning.


"Spider man is overpowered" would be an absolute banger of a video

Great video as always 👍


The scary thing is, this isn't even Thor with the Odin-Force.


Thor also derives power from prayers so when all the gods prayed to him (making him the god of gods) his power was such that he could as stated walk through the god bomb even when it exploded right in his face


I refuse to believe that the Phoenix Force is Thor’s mother, Thor’s actual mother is Gaea the Elder Goddess of the earth, thats it.


Here’s the full quote that you mentioned at the end of the video.
All through time, gods were dying.
Every God who would ever been born or ever would be.
There was no final battle for them to fight. No enemy standing over them. No warning even.
They merely fell to their knees choking on blackness, their flesh falling apart before their eyes.
Some knew why it was happening. Most did not. But in their final cloudy moments they all shared a common vision.
A vision of ONE GOD, with a MIGHTY HAMMER in each hand, fighting at the heart of a bomb to save them all.
And for that one moment that stretched across time… Ever God in the universe close their eyes… and PRAYED to Thor
“Thor hear my prayer. Hear the prayer of Odin, do not fall my son. Be the savior of us all. Be the GOD OF GODS.”


Loving these recent Marvel videos, great job Chuck!


To further add on to Thor's strength, he is able to routinely trade blows with Hercules, who himself was shown to be able to hold up the Heavens over his head for a few hours when he briefly took over for Atlas. This alone makes Thor's strength somewhere around Infinite at worst to Immeasurable at best.


Also another great feat is that when big g fought Thor he said mjnior hitting him was the first time his bones ached in Millenia quite impressive since he consistently battles abstract level beings


Favorite version of Thor is Definitely the Super Hero Squad version that Thor wad fucking hilarious


The last time Thor used the god blast recently was when was cosmic king Thor to repel attacks from the Black winter a multiversal being who said Galactus was his herald in the past which was crazy how he pulled it.


these Marvel power-scales have been a lot of fun!! keep ‘em up. there’s a lot of untapped potential for sure


How the actual Hell do you not have More subscribers you constantly Put out Bangers More consistent (at least sometimes) Than other Power scaling YouTubers
