Laws of Returns | Laws of Production | zea tutor | Economics lectures in Urdu/Hindi by Sir Zafar

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Laws of Returns
We are going to discuss three laws of returns at single sheet. These are applied on production in various sectors of economy. Law of Increasing Return is generally applicable in industrial sector and Law of Decreasing Return is applied in agriculture sector generally.
There are also three laws of costs. These are the reverse form of laws of return. These three laws will be discussed in next video.
معیشت کے مختلف شعبوں سے متعلق پیداوار اور لاگت کے تین تین قوانین ہیں۔اس دیڈیو میں ہم ان تینوں قوانین کو ایک ہی پیج پر بنانا سیکھیں گے۔
#Laws of Returns #Laws of Production #zeatutor

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Cover Topics:-

laws of returns
law of returns to scale
law of increasing return
law of constant return
law of diminishing returns
law of decreasing returns
law of increasing marginal return
law of constant marginal return
law of diminishing marginal returns
law of decreasing marginal returns

laws of costs
law of costs to scale
law of increasing costs
law of constant costs
law of diminishing costs
law of decreasing costs
law of increasing marginal costs
law of constant marginal costs
law of diminishing marginal costs
law of decreasing marginal costs
production and cost
normal price and laws of returns
normal price and laws of costs
laws of returns in urdu/hindi
laws of costs in urdu/hindi
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