What to do when you don't know what to do?

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What to do when you don't know what to do?

1. When the enemy attacks, assemble with your family. (2 Ch 20v4-5; Heb10v25)
2. Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort.
Praise God for His power. 2 Ch 20v6-7
Praise God for His gifts. 2 Ch 20v8-9
Complain about invaders. 2 Ch 20v10-11
Ask for help. 2 Ch 20v12
3. God gives promise before He brings provision. (2 Ch 20v14; Jn 11v41)
4. Miracles are God’s job; marching is ours. (2 Ch 20v16-26; Heb 11v8; Ex 14v13)

0:00 - Intro
3:29 - 1. When the enemy attacks, assemble with your family
15:37 - 2. Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort
24:41 - 3. God gives promise before He brings provision
35:00 - 4. Miracles are God’s job; marching is ours
44:50 - The valley will become a place of victory
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Video courtesy of @HungryGeneration

#JesusChrist #Spiritual #HolySpirit #Bible #Deliverance #Prayer
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Ways to Support the Ministry:
📫 Check “Vladimir Savchuk Ministries” PO Box 5058, Pasco, WA 99301


My husband was abused physically and had cancer as a child, when i met him he stuttered so bad he could barely state his name. Today he speaks clearly, is cancer free, and a great father to both our children. The victory belongs to Jesus!!


Paster, I am from You have No idea how God is using you to comfort me. Can you God comforts a person on one side of the Globe through some body on the opposite continent of the 🌎. God is amazing. Thank you much. I have been praying to the Lord saying exactly these saying God I don't know what to do. And today I know my answer. Thank u soooo much brother. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family and your ministry. I will remember you and your ministry in my prayers. God bless you brother. In fact we are all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. We are all one family in Jesus Christ. Thank u much Abba father for answering my prayers.


This preacher is really good. He has helped me to let go of occult practices, sexual immorality, and drug addiction.


I was literally just crying out to the Lord. Telling him that I don’t know what to do & this message popped up on my notifications 😭😭😭


It took 14 years for my husband to show up after he was prophesied to me in 1998. We got married a year later. God promised us something totally impossible 13 years ago. He also promised us a ministry. A very specific one. Last year a man we didn’t know who was a guest speaker at a men’s conference was prophesying to men. I said to God “oh please have him give my husband a word. We have been waiting so long and are in limbo. I want you to encourage him. ”. The guy was up front and turned and came towards us in the last row. I was thinking “ oh God. He is coming over here !” He walked up saying “I know you were like “oh God he’s coming over here!” 😂 He prophesied to him and to us. Afterwards I told him what I asked God 10 seconds before he turned and came toward us. That was the fastest answer to a request that I ever got. 30 seconds from when I asked to when he got to us and spoke!


Jesus only you can change my situation. Jesus you are my King, I need a miracle today please come and rescue me. As a single mother, raising not one but two children on the spectrum I am overwhelmed and I’m constantly struggling to pay bills. Struggling to buy groceries, struggling to do it all. But I won’t give up. I have the faith to believe and receive a blessing from you today Lord Jesus. ❤️


I needed this. My marriage is going through a rough season right now and I’m struggling to not react to darts thrown and blame my wife to where we are. I’m not turning to worldly friends but reanchoring to my church family to tell me correction and what I need to hear and not what I want to hear. Truth hurts but doesn’t harm. And Pastor Vlad you are right that in the midst of going through a season, we want to feel good and that means running from God I’ve done it in the past and all I got was more pain. Think about it, wolves don’t attack a herd of sheep, they go after the one who is alone and separated.


My sister got murdered June 18, around 4:30-5pm .. I’m feeling so much pain please pray for me and my family .


1 week before my board exams this July 2-4, and I've already failed twice, this is my 3rd take. I've already done all that I can, but I felt like "Lord, what if the things I studied won't retain in my head. What if I didn't do enough?" but this sermon spoke volumes when you said "It's not my job to do a miracle, it's my job to march in obedience." I may not know what's about to happen, but failing twice yet still continued to have faith from my 1st & 2nd try? What more for my 3rd try? I will still proclaim His promise & have faith in His faithfulness 💯


I have chronic anxiety and Philippians 4:6 helped me. It is for all anxiety. The solution to anxiety is prayer and thanksgiving. Pray every single time you are anxious and sing worship songs and you will never have a panic attack.


Thank you thank you. I am in a terrible situation now and have been praying. I don’t know what to do but trusting the Lord and praying


This confirms so much for me… yesterday… I’d just received a book “How to Become a Water Walker”… then Viad says in this sermon… “I would rather be a Wet Water Walker than a Dry Boat Talker… I’m in awe of the timing of God to get deliver and confirm… what He is saying to me… this is the first time I’ve listened to a sermon by Viad… my dear friend sent this to me … even though I saw it and didn’t select to tune in on my own… Holy Spirit sent it to me! Wow Lord … Thank You Father God for your wisdom and love ❤️


This is such a timely message for my country Kenya 🇰🇪. Thank You God for the Peace that surpasses our limited understanding . We put our Faith in You. Our eyes are stayed on Thee. Thank you.


Poweful message to all believers. Before provision, God promises and He fulfills what He promises. God bless you all


Just yesterday, I was talking to myself and saying God I don’t know what to do. And this morning, I came across this video. God indeed works in mysterious ways. He knew I needed to hear this.


This is sooo good. I don’t care what age you are; everyone needs to hear this word. It will help you through today, tomorrow and going forward. “Lean not on your own understanding” …🙏🏻


You said "we're talking about the anxiety we all face that God wants to take away from you to give you peace instead, not about chronic anxiety disorder" (22:10). I can speak from own experiences when I say, he takes care of all forms of anxiety and fears, when we bring them to him. He doesn't categorize and diagnose how the world does. 365 times in the bible our father tells us: DO NOT FEAR. He says, we can come to him and learn from him and he WILL give us REST and PEACE. This is for all sufferings, definitely also the very intensive hell-like ones. I'm sure you confirm with what I say, but I felt maybe somebody needs to read this to avoid the misunderstanding of God doesn't care about all types of our fears and anxieties. Thank you for this wonderful message. Like for many people here in the comments it came for me just at the right time. God bless you all <3


This sermon absolutely spoke to my spirit. It’s changed my walk with God completely for the better. It’s been the missing piece I’ve so desperately needed to know and learn.


Usually, the only thing I hear church people talk about in public is how great they are doing. Go to AA or Celebrate Recovery. They talk about their problems. Churches need to facilitate more open and honest conversation. The right small groups do that.
