We Are Built To Be Kind

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Human nature is often portrayed as selfish and power hungry, but research by UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner finds that we are hard-wired to be kind.

Greed is good. War is inevitable. Whether in political theory or popular culture, human nature is often portrayed as selfish and power hungry. UC Berkeley psychologist Dacher Keltner challenges this notion of human nature and seeks to better understand why we evolved pro-social emotions like #empathy, compassion and gratitude.

We've all heard the phrase 'survival of the fittest', born from the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Keltner adds nuance to this concept by delving deeper into Darwin's idea that sympathy is one of the strongest human instincts — sometimes stronger than self-interest.

FEATURING: Dacher Keltner, professor of #psychology and founding faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

The research highlighted in this video has been supported in part by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Fetzer Institute, and the John Templeton Foundation.

#psychology #kindness #ucberkeley


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"No individual organism is like another". Individuality (not individualism) is the most important characteristic of living beings. Being empathic is a powerful trait to interrelate us in a closer dialogue than any other species, allowing us to be sociable and still keep being unique entities, self-conscious.


You were my teacher at UC Berkeley, you are really my inspiring beacon for life. God bless you Dr. Dacher Keltner for the good you bring to all humanity.


When I was in Uganda visiting a group of women with albinism, we were amazed to see how strong and happy the ladies in this community were. They hugged, they touched, they joined in with everything and - we laughed out loud. Proper deep belly laughing that almost hurt the tummy.
Despite their very very limited resources, despite the horrendous experiences they have had, despite living with consistent discrimination, we laughed together more there than we do back home.
This video describes the reason "why poor communities have such enormous strength, more generosity and more empathy, that many people in more privileged circumstances miss." Thank you and shared. Mi


Sometimes we forget that empathy is a strength. Empathy can be seen as stupid and emotion based, which well I guess you could say that it is, but empathy is one of humanities greatest strengths.


I especially love the evidence provided on how compassion is traced back to our old brain. Thank you for this research which offers hope for our societies.


 Perhaps we should ask (across as wide a spectrum as is possible) - 'Which came first, the wealth or the selfishness?'  This seems like a more valid experiment, although it would also be hard to quantify.  I tend to side with +rosa pipe on this one: that a compassion deficit is present in the individual inherently (whether by nature or nurture) and this contributes to the selfishness needed to wildly accrue wealth.  Of course this does not explore variables such as a person's inheritance, their exposure to wealth and banking education, or personal proclivity toward greed.  Fascinating topic that I myself would like to study!


Wow wow wow! Looking forward to more videos!


This video gives me scientifically-based hope that regular people can learn to stand together, compassionately, for Planet and People against the machine of the anti-Life Military Industrial Financial Media Academic Complexes that benefit only the elite and mostly drive all policy and priorities. A budget is a list of priorities. Thank you professor Keltner and UCB :)


This video made me feel happy to be human. But then, it make me wonder. If kindness is hardwired on people, then what causes some people to not be kind?


Selfishness in social animals includes helping others. Defining it as something that helps the individual at the expense, or indifference, of another, is wrong and is a dysfunctional behaviour. 


i have an obsession for this editing style


What kinds of upper class people were you able to study? I ask because I'm curious as to whether or not it's been speculated and tested whether or not the reason that upper class rich people don't have a vegas nerve response to social suffering is due to them having never suffered that feeling. 
Such that (metaphorically), if I had never experienced the feeling of an apple hitting my head, and saw it happen to someone else, would I still be able to feel empathy even though I don't know that it hurts? 
I wonder if the compassion deficit is due to simply being extremely well off, or the lack of experience from never struggling.


Empathy is a basic human trait. It is required of every human being to share excess of anything with the needy and let everyone enjoy life to the fullest. Sharing with others is duty being a responsible person of the society. One does not do any favor to the person or group sharing the blessing with. On the contrary, amassement of wealth is criminality and cause imbalance in the society.


"We have to redefine human self-interest."  Intriguing idea with many ramifications at all levels.


i would like to get a copy of this that uses the term "lower socio-economic class" instead of "lower class" individuals.  It correlates 100% to my real world fund raising experience.  It also mimics cooperative game theory vs non-cooperative in the leadership games I've played.


This is so cool! What is left out is the fact that mental disorders are rising that affect the ability to feel empathy. Especially narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy.

Autistic people were thought to have low empathy, but in fact they tend to have much more intense empathy if they understand the impact. They have a difficulty with Theory of Mind; which can create the illusion that they don't care when they simply do not understand. There's a difference. Unfortunately I would venture to say it takes more WORK and effort for an autistic person to get past their individual struggles, SPD (part of the criteria for ASD) can be a painful and daunting experience in itself. Meanwhile, others might activate naturally to gain understanding of other's Theory of Mind, they also do not have as many of the other "speed bumps" of disorders such as ASD.

Not to be overly pragmatic after such an uplifting message put forth in the video; but I do feel sympathy is possibly generated as a means of surviving in society. (Healthy) People as a whole are naturally more social than other creatures. It's what aided in the progression of humanity by ways of "power in numbers". Such as optimum choices, and more opportunities, for breeding. As a Christian I feel there is more to it than that, and we possibly will never comprehend that in our lifetimes. But from a scientific point-of-view it makes sense that people will naturally be inclined towards sympathy for these reasons. Others not naturally inclined would probably learn behaviors associated with sympathy given the consequences socially necessary for success and survival.


kindness is root of all positive actions. :)


We are built to be kind and expect something in return


Wow! very interesting, looking forward to more videos. 


this is Why i left banking and throw away my 500 to 700 USD 12 suits and my 120 USD 20 Ties.
I saw the same as what this video explains..could not explain it but i knew i should not hang around bankers / Politicians / Power hungry low lives.
Thank you UCLA
