i sold my company for millions and now i'm depressed lol

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fire video bro! Jesus is the way 🙏 the fullness of joy and peace and identity is found in him. there’s such a blessing that comes with realizing that money won’t fulfill you at a young age. life is so simple: Love God, love your neighbor. work hard for the glory of God and to serve one another. doing it for ourselves will only leave us empty. congrats on this success bro


The best financial YouTube channel for everyday people.Thank you!


the lack of financial stress is the biggest benefit to hitting it big with a payout. this allows you to then focus on creation without a NEED for financial gain, which is incredible place to be in


Hey man, don’t really know you, but I also sold my business at 26. The advice I was given was don’t touch the money for 8 months. Otherwise it would feel like shell shock to your routine and mindset. At least for me, during that time it made me realize that the money part didn’t matter much. What gave me purpose was being on a mission. Unsolicited advice, go spend a few weeks solo, chill on the partying and boozing. Get back to a state of just playing with ideas or helping your friends with no expectation. The next idea or thing will come to you by recreating the vibe you felt when you were younger. And maybe what calls you isn’t a business venture


He sold the company for millions and now he’s gonna take a route where is gonna end selling courses to help people with struggles… good one


I never usually comment but this resonated with me so much! From a Fellow Self Made Millionaire / Content Creator that has gone through ALL these SAME emotions myself, the ONLY true fulfillment is REALLY through God & Focusing on your Faith 1000% 🙏💯☦️ So awesome you mentioned this as well. Sending you prayers. Keep killing it! 🔥


You mentioned some of these ideas in your video, but I thought I should give my opinion:

You feel depressed because you do not have a goal anymore. Not having a goal is exactly the same thing as having anxiety.

On the other hand, having a goal means having hope, and hope is exactly the same thing as happiness. To fix your problem, you need to find a goal that calls to you (as opposed to something you want to do. There is a difference.). Find a goal that grips you no matter how you think about it. That is what you need to find.

One way to have this goal call to you is to be truthful no matter what. Think what you truly think, say what you truly want to say, and do what you truly want to do. Life will unfold before you as it is supposed to and in a manner that is true to you. This will clear your mind of lies and allow you to be on the path of purpose.

Good luck.


I feel you. Sold my software business for 8-figures in 2020. It's been quite a ride since then, with a lot of times where I felt more depressed than ever before. It did get better, though. And it's been a learning experience... in the meantime, I quit alcohol, started working out a lot and try to focus on the little things in life, like cooking with friends, taking long walks and spending more time in nature. Plus, I read a lot. The final boss is feeling you have exactly one thing: Enough.


0:20 "Doing all the stuff that I was dreaming about doing when I was younger" there you have your answer. You are living a kids dream. Partying, Shopping, Cars, Girls, that's for boys. Taking responsibility for the wellbeing of others, that's a man's dream. Doesn't have to be a family, but to be a valuable node in a network of meaningful relationships. That is the essence of finding purpose


Ecclesiastes 1:14-15 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. It all adds up. I needed this reminder. Thank you Jordan. 🙏🙏🙏


I'm 62 and I'm not going to sell my business, because I realised I need something to do.


Sold my company 8 figures last year, still trying to figure it out myself. I agree that the joy comes from the creation. This video was helpful for me. Thanks for sharing


Felt something similar when I finally got my own apartment and a decent amount. After a few days of sitting around, going to the mall, drinking, you start realizing how meaningless life truly is if you're not fighting for something. Life is GENIUNELY meaningless and depressing unless you have a goal you're working towards that's hard and stressful.


Hey Jordan!!

I’m not sure how your video ended up in my feed, but I’m so grateful it did. Thank you for your transparency—your video had so many helpful takeaways.

I’m 35 and upset with myself for not being where you are. People often tell me I have a dynamic and inspiring personality, and it’s allowed me to have some amazing life experiences. I’ve lived in six different countries by the age of 28 and vacationed in others—all while being *very* broke (I once had just $5 to my name for months in Spain). I’ve added joy to people’s lives and lived as authentically as possible. I’ve lived in Hawaii, in spiritual communities, and traveled internationally—again, while broke.

I’ve always had a complicated relationship with financial lack, despite being blessed in so many other ways. Business has never been my passion, so here I am working for major brands and just finishing a reality TV show, but living in a tiny, moldy, overpriced studio apartment.

I meditate (inconsistently) and have experienced euphoria that others seek through drugs. I live an incredible life, but then I’m reminded… I’m broke. No one knows this because great things keep happening to me, and that’s what they see. I live in the wealthiest neighborhood in Australia, but in a moldy studio that compromises my health. I have about $1, 000 AUD to my name, $25k USD in student loans, and despite feeling proud of myself, I’m disappointed that my financial world hasn’t caught up with the rest of my life.

I’ve often had to rely on faith to keep focusing on the positive—my health, friends, living abroad, travel, and the joy in my work (that is casual/unstable, and pays close to minimum wage— you know reality tv doesn't pay); so again… cool experience, but broke. How do I make something from where I am being that I’m not the most business saavy and never been high strung on a particular career?

I wasn’t sure where I was going with this, but I’ll be direct: I’d love to hear your thoughts and ask if you’d consider giving me 20 minutes of your time for a call or quick Zoom chat to help me get out of this VERY frustrating hole I’m in. My question is, rather than give me fish, can you teach me a tip or two on HOW to fish so that I don’t have to rely on others—or miracles—for an exciting life, but finally have some financial security of my own? It’s my turn to bless others :)


What’s crazy is that I usually have a shitty attention span with these type of vids where it’s just a dude talking giving advice but for some reason you gave off such a genuine/real vibe and I listened to every single second of it. You did great man.


This hit me. Started smashing my monetary goals beginning of this year and then realized money has no value besides not worrying about it. When you finally have something, after a while you no longer value it like you used to. You realize it doesn’t contribute to total happiness, your mental health, and personal opinion of self.

I value the drive I had before I had any money. But now that I’m here I’ve learned to enjoy the moment more. I didn’t understand what people meant by enjoy the process because the truth is, is that the work doesn’t change even when u get rich. It might get more difficult, maybe more easy - but money is nothing more than an amplifier and a side effect of hard work.

Focus your eyes on input and put less self worth and value into what you’ll gain from it less.


That is so I definitely feel this!!! We were making 3 million dollars a month.. at our company.. we did soo soo much..partied with celebrities, flee in private jets, rented mega yachts and threw crazy partyies... just lived this life that i thought everyone would envy..and in the end it wore me out and it was exhausting. . It got to a point where I could care less about a private jet. Or parties..what makes me happy.. is having fun with my kids... to be honest..simple stuff..like playing fortnite with my daughters .. winning victory royal... those moments are priceless to me now


one of the best videos Ive ever watched and making me rethink my goals thanks bro.


Happines comes from a fullfilling life:
- meaningful, deep relationships
- meaningfull work
- healthy lifestyle, be in shape
- doing inner/emotional work
- having a small balance between work and everything else that interests you/brings yoh pleasure
All these answers were paid in full, after 10 years of business and a big exit (7 digits).. I had 4 years retired/not knowing what to do, what direction to go... I honestly wish everyone gets to this point and experience this part of life where you reach all you ever "thought" you wanted.


YAH Bless you brother, great message.

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Peace comes from YAH, and YAH Alone!

Love and Blessings.
