9 Facts We Should Finally Stop Believing

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There are some so-called “facts” that we believe only because we’ve heard them so many times. I bet you’re convinced that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. We're about to reveal the actual truth about some things you believed in before.

For example, a lot of people don’t eat chocolate because they’re afraid it’ll cause their skin to break out in pimples. Well, hold back no more because this simply isn’t true! [dermatologist] Dr. James E. Fulton Jr. and several other dermatologists conducted a study on the supposed connection between chocolate and acne. They actually gave 65 acne-prone test subjects chocolate bars that contained 10 times more cocoa than a typical bar of chocolate. What they found was that chocolate isn’t harmful to our skin and doesn’t affect it whatsoever!

The placebo effect only works on humans 0:39
Milk is useful for our bones 1:30
Chocolate causes acne 2:14
If you run, you have to run every single day 3:10
Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world 3:55
A black hole is, well, a hole 4:44
You’re safe inside a car during a lightning storm 5:25
The Sahara is the largest desert in the world 6:04
Mars is red 7:02

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Animation is created by Bright Side.

- The placebo effect probably works on pets too! For example, if a dog is sick and its owner gives it a sugar or vitamin pill, the dog’s body responds well.
- Scientists from Harvard University have found that people from countries that don’t usually consume dairy products actually suffer from fractures less than those who consume such products regularly. So there’s no sense in drinking large amounts of milk if you wanna strengthen your bones.
- A lot of people don’t eat chocolate because they’re afraid it’ll cause their skin to break out in pimples. Well, hold back no more because this simply isn’t true!
- Too much endurance running may have an adverse effect on a person’s well-being because it pushes the body too much. Another study noticed plaque buildup in the arteries of marathon runners that may cause decreased blood circulation, eventually leading to serious heart problems.
- The new #1 spot would go to Mauna Kea, a volcano located in Hawaii. It has an altitude of 13,796 feet above sea level, but its base is about 19,700 feet below the water’s surface.
- Black holes are practically invisible and can’t be seen with the naked eye. However, astronomers locate them with the help of super advanced space telescopes by seeing how stars that are close to black holes act differently than other stars.
- Your car may be a really good place to hide but only because it’s made from metal. And that metal body will only be of any use if all the doors and windows are closed.
- Antarctica, with an area of 5.5 million square miles, is technically the largest desert in the world! The Sahara, at 3.5 million square miles, takes 3rd place.
- The images taken by the Viking 1 Lander make the planet look redder than it actually is. Today, NASA admits that some parts of Mars are actually blue and grey.

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Are you a chocolate lover? So, which chocolate is best for you? :)


IDK, the "BRIGHT" side doesn't seem too bright on some of these.


Alright so if you want to conquer the tallest mountain on Earth, start your climb from the bottom of the Pacific.


It's the sugar and milk in the chocolates that makes one break out in pimples. Not the cocoa. In the study, they gave chocolates with 10x more cocoa which essentially decreased the sugar and milk content i suppose, thus no pimples.


A little know fact is that all mountains are alot higher than Mt Everest if you measure them from really really deep beneath ground surface.
What? That doenst count?

Ok I try again.
A little known fact is that if you would put Mt Everest into the ocean next to Hawaii it would not only be lower than before (surprisingly it would be lower by the amount you put it under water) but also there would be less snow on top. People rejoiced until they heard that they would drown in basecamp. An initiative to relocate Mt Everest has subsequently been stopped.

What that doesnt count also? Ok.
A little know fact is that Mt. Kea on Hawaii is actually not a very high mountain if you measure it from a high plateau in the Himalayas.
HA - nailed it.

Also I am proud to tell everybod that I managed to climb the highest mountain on earth when I stepped on a sandcastle at the beach and followed to measure its hight from the core of earth.


Its not the cocoa, its the massive amount of sugar.


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"If you run, you must run everyday." I've never heard anyone say that ever.


Your information is only partly right and full of holes and half truths and plays on words this is not a good example of what is true and what is not true


Stop spreading loosely researched information!


We need to stop believing Bright Side thumbnails ;-)


Mars sky is actually red during the day, it only turns blue at sunset.


Someone is wrong on the Internets... But, seriously, the "fact" you used for the title picture, "Mars isn't red" needs serous correction and there is a Physics lesson in it. Here is the truth: Mars rovers have typically an exposed color wheel with a number of colors which we know how they appear on Earth under typical Sunlight. Rover cameras are calibrated to these colors so that Scientists may make Earth viewpoint conclusions from the images. Such calibration is needed because the color temperature of typical light on Mars is different vs. Earth. Even on Earth we encounter such differences: think of how objects appear during a good Sunset light, in old film developing darkroom with red light bulb, under a fluorescent light... So, "lie" reddish hued Mars is how a human standing there in person would see it (hence, not a "lie"). "Truth" would be seen if we could somehow shine Earth Sunlight color temperature upon the Mars surface. So, it is all about local color temperature which is different (for myriad of reasons) on Earth and on Mars. Rovers cameras are calibrated to show how things would appear here on Earth.
So, for anyone interested in typical average color of Mars as would be seen in person from spacecraft near it or by standing on it... go to some local Astronomy club Astro night and look for yourself at Mars through a good telescope. You'll see a reddish object, ...


2:15 A lot of people DON'T eat chocolate because they're afraid it will casue their skin to break out pimples..??? I mean like...really??


This stuff is so lightly touched upon-so much missed-, it qualifies as bar room banter. Some of the half truths corrected, are corrected with other half truths. Better find other, more in depth channels. Else, this channel should have a second deeper channel with less of a fluff presentation.


I don't know about you, but I learned more than 30 years ago in school that a car is a Faraday's cage and that is what protects you from lighting... We even went to the "Deutsches Museum" in Munich to see a Faraday's cage and how it works. But I never heard of the "fact" that the rubber tires do that. What on earth did they teach you in school? Clapping, singing and dancing your name?


It’s the sugar in chocolate that causes acne... I eat plenty of dark chocolate with high cocoa percentages (60%+) and I have perfect skin


5:30 "it's grounded by rubber tires" Well, no, it's insulated by rubber tires. Grounded (earthed) means having a good conductor to the earth, which is the opposite.


Your commentary on Mars is incorrect. The initial photos from the Viking craft were color balanced for a blue sky (because that was what was expected), but then the researchers noticed that the colors of the craft itself (which were well known to the team) were all off in those first images. After re-balancing to get the correct colors on the lander, we got the images that you are calling wrong.


I don't think 1 person who watched this video, ever even had a thought about the placebo effect working on animals 🐵🐔🐶🐷 Im pretty sure that never slipped anybody's mind
