Time for a Debate

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Who knew we needed a debate on gun safety in a Democratic primary? We need a DEMOCRATIC nominee that has a proven record on protecting us over the profits of the gun industry. We hear a lot of talk about standing up to the powerful interests, but Martin O'Malley is the only candidate who passed winning solutions by taking on the most powerful lobby in America- the CEOs of the Gun Industry. You can't claim to soak the fat boys and exempt the profiteers in the gun industry. The banks and the gun industry are the twin pillars of our bankrupt political system - Protecting profits and endangering the rest of us.
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This only makes Bernie stronger. The Democratic establishment fears him. #FeeltheBern


How about an actual debate on serious topics instead of lies and wedge issues?


Hillary is too chicken to attack Bernie herself, so she has O'Malley do it instead. Well thank you, now I'm DEFINITELY voting for Bernie.


That just eliminated O'Malley from my consideration.


Attack ads are the bottom of the barrel, Martin.
And on guns, don't pay attention? Americans love guns! It's a pointless debate, let's debate the real issues. The big money in politics, like the one that is powering this disgusting ad. Shame on you!


i don't want a president who blindly votes against guns.  I want one that smartly votes Yea and Nay depending on the bill.


Shame on Martin O'Malley and his lame SuperPAC for using this misleading and Malicious ad to try and better themselves.


I hate attack ads so much. They're the lowest of the low.


Sen. Sanders is representing from a very gun liberal state and is simply doing his job of voting for what his area wanted. As President, Bernie will most likely implement a better background checking system.


You know what I like about this ad? It helps draw all the republicans that were on the fence (because of the gun control topic)  into the fight. I voted Republican last election, but Bernie's very modest outlook on gun control, and his promises to the working people of the united states have sold me on the idea that he's our man. These "negative" attack ads will do nothing for O'Malley, he would be better off giving Bernie his endorsement, because Bernie is the only one on the left with a chance of beating the Clinton machine. There might be a time for O'Malley some day, some where, but it isn't now, and it isn't here. FeeltheBern!


Sounds to me like Bernie Sanders has the kind of nuanced view on social policy and ability to critically think that we so desperately need in this country.


Thanks Martin O'Malley for contributing to intelligent political dialogue instead of exploiting peoples fears with malicious attack ads. Oh


Great ad Mr. O'Malley!

That like-dislike ratio is working really well in your favor!

Keep it up!


I'm a high school student excited to be voting in my first election next year. While I was leaning towards Bernie Sanders​ until now, your Super Pac's recent ad attacking him on guns only confirms my choice. It's truly despicable and misleading to say he's weak on guns when he has an F rating from the NRA, supports banning assault rifles, and wants to enhance background checks (the same ideas YOU support) ! How can you tout your record on gun violence when Baltimore is one of the most dangerous, crime-ridden cities in the country? Look how well your leadership has worked. Just months ago Baltimore had major riots and enormous racial tension! You shouldn't be running deceptive, negative attack ads on your fellow Democratic opponents in the first place, but if anyone is worthy of being attacked it's Hillary, not someone like Bernie who has shown consistently throughout his entire career that he is committed to many of the same values you are. If you're going to run an attack ad, go after the person who is leading (duh). This ad only does you damage. If you win, which is growing ever unlikely, it will be because of your ability to share your ideas and prove your record, not through negative attacks.  This ad shows that you are desperate (after all, you're polling at 2% in NH and your visits to the early states haven't raised your polling numbers at all) and just another typical politician who participates in the political mire of negative attack ads. Bernie has said that he has never run a negative attack ad in his life and won't be starting them now. While your views on climate change and Wall St. are really great, unfortunately your character is clearly lacking. I hoped for more from you. I'm disappointed in you, Martin O'Malley.


Getting a little scared, O'Malley?


Who's Martin O'Malley?



Bernie does not blindly vote against guns. He has stated publicly that he supports reasonable gun control laws. This attack ad is lying in its omission of this.


This just eliminated O'Malley from the race. Hillary, you're next.


Really? Attack ads on primary opponents this early? Unsubsribing from the omalley email lost and donating $5 to bernie.

Sanders might not be exactly where I am on guns, but the fact that he is honest and upfront about his non party line views makes me trust his integrity on campaign finance and economics all the more.


Exactly the kind of ad that depresses turnout. Exactly what the rich people like O'Malley's backers want.
