♑️Why It’s Never A Good Idea To Test A Capricorn | Capricorns Are Not To Be Messed With!

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In this video I will be discussing Why It’s Never A Good Idea To Test A Capricorn. Enjoy❤️!

Thank you for watching.

**** Please don’t take anything presented in this video personal. The video was made for entertainment/educational purposes only, not to personally attack you! This a generalized video based on Capricorn Sun Sign; I am aware that there are many factors that play a role in individual personalities (which I have not gone deep into YET). This is just a summary.****

Twitter: HeartCapricorn
Instagram: HeartCapricorn
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Even if Capricorns don't take revenge or say a word as long as you make a Capricorn feel bad you will surely answer to the Universe you can't escape it.


Don't mess with the Volcano unless you want to be covered in hot lava, if you can't take the heat then keep it cool.
We at the top of the mountain peak can see everything in the valley.. you mess up and as Mr T said...."You dam fool!"


We'll ignore you and you'd think we left planet earth! 😆 "that part "


One way I was tested was by a sarcastic remark made to someone else but intended for me. Not only did I call them out on it but I also said if you have something to say to me, don’t go “around the bush, come to it.”
Here I stand.😂


When I have argued with others, it surprises them that I can admit being wrong. That being said, no need to raise my voice, facts and logic win the day.


Asking me questions like “what do you bring to the table? “ - I’m likely the most resourceful person they’ll ever meet but since you ask such a dumb question I’ll reply absolutely nothing just to piss you off 😂


Love your channel. Definitely always goes in debt about Capricorns. I’m a Sagittarius Capricorn cusp December 24th


I just gather information then I execute accordingly and please don't bs me once I found my findings to be true game over...⚖️💯👋 1/5/86 representa in the building


Leo ♌ Crosswatcher and I Really learned a lot about Capricorn ♑ Males ....and Tbh I love Y'all's energy....it Just Feels Right!! ... 🌹❤️😛


I love my Capricorn ♑man...however the double standard is ridiculous...Capricorns notorious for being slow to trust and always about a test but don't ever want to be tested 🧐...I am a Cap-Aqua with a Cancer rising...if you test me I will challenge you and test you right back...whats good for me is good for you too...If you don't want me to mess with you then don't mess with me. Caps all about that reciprocal energy! 😂😂😂


Capricorns are ruled by the planet Saturn so I don't try to get back at anyone who tried their best to take me down. Karma always bite them in the ass.


Bullies are just insecure. That egotistical mindset can and will be deflated around a Cap. We Pay Attention, better than most. That old thing of "misery loves company"...
We see it and pay attention. We may be subtle or even silent for a while... Personally, I try to help...
That being said, there is only so much I can do,
and will not beat a dead horse.
No point in it.
So Yea, Don't mess with us,
We got our stuff together and don't take too much spit.
If someone wants to grab the bull by the horns,
They better be ready for the ride. 🤔😋😜🤣🪐💜👍


You'll regret it never test us caps


As a Capricorn it’s a super power to cut people off completely especially your own family 😏


We do not like drama or things that piss us off. Capricorns do not like showing anger cause some of us are afraid to the point where we black-out and whatever happens…..happens!

We are afraid to get angry because we might not be able to control it and may hurt other people nearby both physically and emotionally to the point of where the police might get involved!

So just be real with us and do not test us! Show respect and you will get respect, kindness goes a long way with us!


I also happen to have the "INFJ" type personality and the consequence to people attempting to take advantage of my energy is what psychologists refer to as the "door slam". That's when I've officially gotten tired of foolery and in queen of swords fashion, I kindly have a funeral for that person or situation in my head and then they no longer exist in my universe. Meaning they never have access to me again and I move forward with full lack of care or concern for the thing in question. It's a last resort but an amazing way to protect your self. Most situations don't even call for explanation so it's like "oh you screwed me over? Hope it was worth it, I'll never see you the same again, if I acknowledge seeing you at all." It's super effective 🤣


One way that I was tested, I was with a former (Gemini) frenemy, and she showed me jus how she felt about our friendship. She made it seem like I was “less than” because I didn’t have a car! Really? Her comments, sarcasm, and smart remarks let me know that I was being tested. She wanted me to “go there”. I “went there alright”, I left our “ship” high and dry. Turns out, the car was rented, and in her mamas name!✌🏾💯😉😉😉😉


Not a good idea to test me because I know I'm being tested as soon a they open their mouths.
Then I just play mind games with them.


Capricorns truly have the patience of job from the bible ! We r so kind and good people that when u make the fatal mistake of testing our Gangsta ! U got something too damn deal with & trust me being that we are so loyal, kind use our Inner eye's too read people so when u think we looking at u we are but not just the outer eyes its the Inner vision so dont play with us period !


We like to stay happy we like to laugh we like to have fun and we like people to be around us level-headed and like to have fun also
