Dynamic / Active Flexibility for Leaps and Jumps #gymnasticsflex #flexibilityforgymnastics

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Why this is so effective: Through this drill, the gymnasts are

✅ Practicing both CONTROL and REFLEXIVE, DYNAMIC STABILITY (thanks to the band, which makes it harder because it’s creating instability)⁣. These things crucial to better amplitude and aren’t enabled through static stretching or momentum-based active flexibility.

✅ Building control in multiple directions and movement trajectories, which demonstrates to the brain that it’s safe to bring the legs to the full range of motion *while in motion*. A lot of kids that do this get more mobility right away; test a battement or split jump before and after.

✅ The precision and focus required to make circles (OR draw 8s) activates the cerebellum, which helps stability, balance and activates spinal muscles + glutes, which you need to get a nice big split jump. It’s not easy! ⁣You’ll notice that the circles aren’t super circular yet, the intention to correct this is the cerebellum at work. 🧠

Other ideas to help with legs & feet:
⭐️ “Imagine a laser coming out of your toes, draw a super smooth circle (or an 8) on the wall behind you.”
⭐️ “Imagine stripe down your leg, make it as long as possible.”
⭐️ “Keep the middle of your leotard facing forward.”

Do 5-10 circles or 8s in each direction. ⁣The hardest part is actually getting in and out of the band, so take care. 😅

If you don’t have a way to hang a band, do this as a partner exercise with one gymnast holding their leg and the other holding onto the beam or wall.

#gymnasticsflex #gymnasticsdrills #flexibilitytraining #flexibilityforgymnastics
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