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Today we take a look at one of my favourite medium fighters, Star Citizen's Aegis Sabre.
Built from the ground up to be a dedicated stealth fighter this ship has plenty of fire power along with excellent handling, making this ship particularly dangerous as it is after all very stealthy.
Great cockpit and looks this ship although designed for stealth is more than capable of dogfighting and i am more than happy that it sits in my hangar!
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I think for an Org, having a Kraken, 4 x Sabres (or one day 1 x F8 lightning and 3 x Sabres) on the 4 small pads, 2 x Redeemers on the 2 large pads and in the 2 hangers have 2 x Ares Infernos or 2 x Eclipse would be a fun little task force for trouble, good Idea to team up Sabres and Eclipses for stealth ambushes and thanks for your thoughts on the Sabre, cheers


Argo Cargo best stealth fighter prove me wrong


As someone who always plays rogue characters in MMOs, this idea appeals to me...


Maybe it's just me using it the wrong way but I recently upgraded my Taurus to a Reclaimer so I needed something new to fight so I upgraded my Ursa to the Sabre. It felt kind of weak in terms of firepower but again, maybe I'm using it the wrong way. Everything is still stock on it but that's maybe why. Also, I know it's not a fighter but I got used to the fire power my Taurus had plus all of it's missiles. I could destoy many type of targets within a few seconds unless they did not turn around me, so I kept them always in a straight line in front of me which was fatal to them.

Anyway... I really like the look of the Sabre, no ships looks as good as this. So yeah, if you guys could guide me on the Sabre that would help. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's going to be upgraded to a Vanguard or maybe a non fighter ship like the Retaliator.



Your dangerous u make me wanna buy all ships lol. But all seriousness I own one, and the turn rate for me in space vs a hornet, which is a bit disappointing, i wish there was more fire power


Great Video. "In your rush for power & glory you forgot one small detail." The [Suppress IR] Button. To my Knowledge & research from 3.0 on, till today (unless it's changed?){Don't think it has} The [Stealth] button only really lowers the output of your power, so, yes it lowers the signal "Noise" of your ship that others pick up on . Turning off shields is one of the biggest noise makers. Quantum drives make the most noise when in quantum so the trade off is minimum. So All in all, it all Adds up! Stealth Grade components & Weapons, lower power output, cutting shields, suppressing IR! It would be nice to re-test & make an Updated Stealth Video for 3.17? I could help. Elysian Alliance "Cadet" Ro-Mon_Gerr


You can manually move the wing position with a keybind, I think it’s J or K on the keyboard.


I like the video and also the ship. I am a bit confused… some here are saying that currently, stealth components have no effect on lowering EM/IR signature until CIG implements the “balance”

Question: does this mean that for NOW, using stealth components is a waste of money? (until the balance is completed)
and that only the hull stealth “ bonus” of -20% to emissions is currently in play?
Thank you and once again, good job on the video.👍


Everyone always forgets about stealth when grading fighters and always Meh the saber to the side for "better" ships.. More fool them 😉✌️


wait.... you said you hit the stealth button? What button is that? I thought stealth didnt work yet?


I’ve found stealth mechanics very unreliable his last patch.


I love the Sabre, and was happy to see it get a Red Festival paint this year. I'm glad the monkey is on the wing - I wouldn't want a monkey on my ship's back.


Saber was the 1st in game ship I got and I love it! I run 2 panther and 2 Scorpion


Going mission and Newton more polowing Deregon global citizen


The Sabre looks awesome but I hate the wing struts idk why


The Sabre raven is one ship I definitely missed out on. To me unlike any other in the game so far


I keep hearing bad things of the Sabre but man it's a badass looking ship. It would look better without the big turbine engines, kinda like the Sabre raven. The Raven is the coolest looking ship in SC in my opinion but unless you have 2k$ for one ship it's unobtainable.


My only issue with the Sabre design is those huge circular front engines, as a stealth fighter those large circular engine intakes makes no sense to me, if only the Sabre retained the Sabre Raven's front engine intakes (just the intakes mind you not the crazy weird wing hole and single exhaust) It would make the Sabre even better design wise as a stealth superiority fighter and yes it would be awesome if the wings fold back if it speeds up (yes I enjoy the design of the F14 tomcat).


Hey PIN, and anyone that maybe didnt know this!

In the 'Options' under 'game settings' (the first tab on left I think, there is a setting, I believe near the bottom, that allows you to TURN ON SIGNATURE VALUES (labeled similiarly) so a numerical vakue appears directly under the corresponding symbol and bar graph of the 3 signature types on top middle of all pilot screens when in ship pilot seat.

Those values represent the distance in KM that your ship is currently DETECTABLE. Approximately!

Im not sure whether or not youve had these values enabled in other videos, Pin, but I didnt see them on this one. My guess is you already knew about this setting but just didnt enable it for this video but I figured its a useful thing to know when trying to work with stealth.

My only dislike is its very approximate. I think I could only ever get the signatures on this ship to like 6K but you got in JT undetected around 2KM so either you got lucky, or those values arent even close to absolute, but theyll help show just how much dropping sheilds affects your EM, or IR, whichever is on the Right side, with Crossection sig being the middle bar graph.

Have a good one. Thanks for another video!!!


my only complain with this ship, is that when trying to look up in the cockpit, the view is it would be nice if they modified the cockpit to have glass continue a bit farther back, so that when in a dogfight, i can actually see ships above me
