The Ministry of the Word in Our Epilogue World — Dr. Greg Schulz

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Bonus Session — Fourth Annual Apologetics Conference


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I would also say that Derrida gets it right and agrees with the wisest man in all human history. All is vanity. Therefor there is no meaning in anything we can experience. Naturally Solomon qualifies that by including; outside God? While Derrida has done away with God entirely….


Paul tells us to work out our salvation so clearly, we are expected to be doing something? As for language being meaningless, I think that can be true if you as the one experiencing it are pouring your own meaning into it?

It seems to me very often people are rushing off to find salvation and carry their own damnation with them as they go; never really getting anywhere. Like a hamster on a wheel?

Sure, scripture holds the answers but you the reader get no benefit from it without comprehending what is written?
From what I can see it’s Adam that gets in the way of that? I would say get off the wheel you are running around on and consider the cage? But…..BUT many, perhaps even most, are so convinced they are running free they will not see the cage?

God? Yashua said I am the truth. Not I tell the truth or know the truth, I am the truth; and life. However, God the Father who we sometime describe as Love was His God? I go to My Father and your Father My God and your God? Yashua is God, God is one? So here is where comprehension come in? The word God? Its not a name though often it seems to be used as one? It is a title, but Of what? The only common trait I see when it is used to find meaning from context is authority.

The Father is the ultimate authority, from which the son receives all power over all things, becoming our absolute authority. Adam fell from relationship because he reached out his own hand. God gave him and in that all of us authority over the earth.

Under His.

To be Adamic is to be outside that authority; what is done be that good or bad in our eyes is meaningless. We are the cage, we are the prison.

Faith is the key.

But if you are looking inside to find that key its ultimately part of the cage. We need to call out from behind the bars for help from the one that is already free. The Key we receive from Him is the only way out.
Paul spells that out in Romans and I have heard a minister speak to that text, so I can take no personal credit for understanding it, but how many have heard it?

You have used Logos repeatedly but at no time have you used Rhēmatos? Paul did…..

Over and over and over people seem to stress a single term when it comes to

Faith has become almost a four-letter word? But when it is discussed, it’s paired and compared to belief. Not as though these were the same words exactly; but as though when speaking of faith, its primary quality is belief? Mix in certainty, trust, maybe a quality that indicates we don’t need all the information we know the one it comes from? Do that and you have faith? But I don’t think this is the faith Paul spoke of, I don’t see this as the faith we are called to in scripture.
For by grace are you saved ….through faith?

So much hangs on that single term? ῥήματος. Maybe if Calvin had considered it more closely, he would have concluded correctly when describing the what and how of Christianity?
