What does Israel represent in Revelation? #righteousness #prayershub

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What does Israel represent in Revelation? #righteousness #prayershub

What does Israel represent in Revelation? Many people believe that Israel in Revelation represents literal Israel; however, the Bible contradicts this idea. Daniel was told that literal Israel had 70 prophetic weeks or 490 years to fulfill their side of the covenant. Israel failed to do this, so after 34 AD, when Stephen was stoned by the Jewish officials, the gospel went to the whole world. It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. God had even warned the Jews that this would happen if they failed to follow God’s covenant. But who are God’s people now? The Bible gives us the answer: "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.". Anyone who accepts Jesus as their Saviour and His Covenant of grace is part of spiritual Israel.

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Amen Amen thank you Yeshua for loving us unconditionally


Hallelujah! What a neat video! Thank you!❤


Thank you Father GOD for your Beloved Son! Our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ! For He is Worthy, and all inclusive for those that believe in His All Mighty power to save! Amen! ✝️❤️✝️👍🙏❤️


Amen. Its in the Holy Bible, we grafted in. God will still call for His people, the Jews.


God made promises to Israel, and he will keep those promises. We are in the church age where the believers are all one in the body of Christ whether be jew or gentile. We are a new creation in our Lord and Saviour who is the head of the body.


Jesus. Is. The. Way. The. Truth. The. Life. Amen ❤❤❤


Show me where in the Bible I can find the term "spiritual Israel"?


Read Jeremiah, God still has a remnant of the nation of Israel.


...das ist nur die halbe Wahrheit😢 Jeshua wird auch dem jüdischen Volk noch begegnen ... und sie werden den erkennen, den sie durchbohrt haben...


Jesus is God. The man Promise receives the Holy Spirt God as installment of installments. Especially as Love is not measured or Joy. Sign of Jonas the Sun goes north? Father God Holy Women. God. I’m Promise. As by Jesus Christ we become like Father God.


Israel = Ish ra El = man perceives God.
All those perceiving God are Israel. Only the inner human being, the soul, can perceive God. Those souls perceiving and doing the will of God are Israel.




Believe the Gospel 1Corinthians chapter 15 1 through 4 is salvation for this dispensation of Grace


Christians are the new chosen people BUT God never abandons his word hence WHY ISRAEL will never fall into the muslim hands


12 tribes of israel judah is only one, after the tribulation Gods angel places the seal of God on 12000 from each tribe, those who Truly have the Holy spirit NOW already have the Seal of God, and as JESUS said they will say to me at the judgment we preached in your name healed in your name yet JESUS said He will say to them depart from Me i never knew you, you who PRACTICE lawlessness another words those ministers although they were professing christians never had the Holy Spirit, they were fake christians


Us. Those who follow the dawn to dawn Sabbath and Yahuah Covenant Calendar and Torah. Psalm 33 says those who call Yahuah Elohim are His inheritance, (Isreal)


Jesus said that All who belong to Him, will come to him. According to The Book of Revelation, there are still to be 144, 000 Jews who will come to Christ Jesus accepting Him as Their Misiah and Lord God and Savior. They will recieve The Seal of God: God The Holy Spirit. I believe this will be the very last group who will come to Christ Jesus unto salvation. Then comes The Rapture. Together we are The Bride of Christ Jesus. I believe this might be the meaning of the scripture: "The first shall be last, and the last first." The Jews were most important at the first because Jesus The Messiah came through The Jews. The Jews are the most imporant at The End beause The Rapture is the Rapture of All The Church. The Christian Believers cannot be raptured apart from these 144, 000 Jewish converts. This is my understanding of God's People, The Church and The Bride of Christ Jesus, Our Lord God.


Furthermore the bible teaches that we are "partakers" of the covenant. And what we partake of is when God promises that Abraham's seed(singular) Jesus would be a blessing to all nations.

We partake of the blessing being the wild branches grafted in. But we do NOT replace israel. Romans 11 even warns about this.

We are gentiles saved by grace according to God's perfect will and plan. His timing of his coming was perfect in that he knew the Jewish nation would reject him and he would go and being salvation to the gentiles. But God is not done with israel.

Daniel's 70th week or. The unbiblical term the tribulation is When God will work with israel again and when they are surrounded in the holy city, they will cry on whom they have pierced and at that time jesus will come.

The abrahamic covenant is essential in understanding all bible prophecy.


What? The Bible contradicts that. CONTRADICT.


But don't think for one second That God is done with the Jews because there are still promises He has made to them that will still be fulfilled.
