Do you see what I see? (stage 4 cancer)

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This woman matters. All those who have gone forward onto Benny Hinn's stage, been paraded around and abused, in the name of Christ, matter. Benny Hinn should confess to what he has done and repent.

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I was healed of epilepsy during intense prayer by myself on my kitchen floor. After 5 years of siezures, medicine, & brain scans that prove I had it, God healed me. My Husband & I have had other issues that we've asked for healing from & the answer was no. I don't know why God healed the epilepsy but He did. I was having a very sorrowful prayer in which I was repenting for the selfishness, bitterness & anger I was holding onto. I begged God to remove the epilepsy so that I could go to work & my Husband would not have to bear the brunt of our finances. (Our kids are grown.) He healed me. I am so grateful. You don't need a special performance by someone "annointed."


His actions are despicable. This is a conman, and he should be investigated for fraud. Family members who lost loved ones because treatment was stopped due to him must hold him criminally liable.


She'll say she's healed just so they stop hurting her.


My heart shattered for this poor lady! I hope and pray she'll be all right. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


How can he sleep at night?
His conscience must be calloused over, and hard as a rock.


Glad you’re standing up to this stuff, brother Mike.


…who devour older ladies livelihood and appear to be so holy by their words and prayers…


My sister died shortly after Benny Hinn's healing crusade did nothing for her but not before he made money fly. Then, he flew back to his mansion in his private jet. He didn't come to her funeral or send a card.


That poor lady. He's using this lady for a camera opportunity. For money, but also for his own glory, not God's glory.


After my own cancer I joined a few support groups. I wish I could recount the number of times people talked about their holistic remedies only to be on a couple months later talking about their stage 4. God gave us medical technology for a reason.


It's maddening the way no interviewer will play clips like this when they talk to Benny. He never has to address the specifics, just gives that old "nobody's perfect" defense. Yeah Benny, that's some real repentance. 😡


"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity"


My mother in law has uterine cancer (endometrial cancer) wnd she has fallen for these similar traps 😢. I pray that she comes back to doctors and try to be healed. For those who want to pray, her name is Joan❤❤❤


Man this guy needs to be rebuked by every Christian. This breaks my heart to see her desperation and he just fakes his satanic money grab. I do pray the Lord helps him see his error. So he can stop.


I am a survivor of stage 4 head and neck and cancer is no joke! Glory be to God! One of the most heartbreaking things in my life was my aunt died from breast cancer and family went through her belongings and household items and found books written by Hinn her check book ledgers show she was sending Hinn money for healing!


Silent supporter 👋🏾 Nick, your thoughts on this were great. Honestly, the end is really what got me, and I agree. I had to accept that when I was wondering what to do about my older sister and younger brother; just let them go. They are both living the homosexual lifestyle and are loud and proud in my face and my children's faces (inappropriate conversations about their lives and speaking certain things over my children, bringing their partners around, dressing in drag, etc.) Regardless of what I've said or how much I've prayed for them, they do not care.

At one point, it really got to me that my children and I don't really have a relationship with them. Recently, I had to accept that they have made their decision and it is what it is. I still love them and don't wish anything but that they return to The Truth (we were brought up in church). Besides, we can't do the saving. That's up to God and that person's willingness/openness. I just love them and pray from afar. I've done all I could do.


Everyone can see the pain in this poor woman’s face and body and it’s heartbreaking. Still, it’s amazing the amount of people who will deride anyone for saying that Benny Hinn is a false pastor - money is his god. My heart goes out to this lady and her family and may they seek Christ away from Hinn.


😢😢😢 it’s so sad 😞 to watch. Poor lady 😢


This will only stop when people stop showing up to see him


Mike is on a crusade and I AM HERE FOR IT.
