Ask an OpenShift Admin (Ep 63) | Recover control plane nodes and deploy custom Grafana

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Losing a control plane node is no fun and can be a shock for OpenShift administrators who then need to figure out next steps to recover the cluster. Fortunately, with OpenShift, there is a way to recover your control plane and minimize degraded cluster operations!

Did you know that Red Hat has plans to remove Grafana as a dashboard for OpenShift metrics? So at some time in the future Grafana will be removed by default, but you can still deploy your own instance and configure it to use the system Prometheus as a data source.

During this stream, we’ll demo how to recover from a lost control plane node and work with custom Grafana dashboards for the node exporter and more!

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About grafana-operator.

We are currently working hard on 5.0 for grafana-operator and we will focus on custom configurability and stability.


Great to see this hands on and real SE work on a cluster which isnt provisioned IPI. Just a proposal: Would it be possible to move the chat messages that they dont cover the current terminal commands/output? Maybe to the top...?


the grafana you created such dataStorage is not PVC right? it's a temp storage gets wiped and renew when the pod is restarted?


Could you please make a video on openshift internal architecture on how core control pane components are communicating with each other, how to troubleshoot issues with core components, something about certificate management of core OCP components, communication flow, ETCD troubleshootings, APIserver communication, etc.


Hi, may you tell me how we can do the route checks? via http/https or the port of the route?
