SOLO NO HIT Lvl 80 Feilian Beringal vs Lvl 70 Yinlin | Wuthering Waves Tactical Hologram

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Second Lvl 80 boss is down. Now its just Mourning Aix and Tempest Mephis left, neither of which I'm really looking forward to since Aix has so many bugs/issues and Mephis is Mephis. I'm looking forward to Mephis more even though I don't think I currently have the DPS to kill it, since I'd rather deal with an insanely intense/difficult fight than deal with an rng one. I might go back and redo Lvl 80 Heron at some point as in the first kill I struggled to hit parries with Yinlin so ended up choosing to just dodge instead, I might go back, teach myself the timing and retry it. Also the feather barrage attack, I need to learn to dodge that.