Metformin and Vitamin B12 Deficiency

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Jill Crandall, MD, Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, shares insights about metformin and vitamin B12. Dr. Crandall discusses the findings on long-term metformin use and vitamin B12 deficiency in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) and shares her thoughts on what could be done clinically based on these results.


I was considered pernicious anemia and had to do those b12 shots for a year total (started with daily, then weekly, then monthly shots). Then I switched to a sublingual tablet. I have better numbers with the sublingual than the shots but "your mileage may vary". I was told to take B12 for the rest of my life. I felt literally like I was dying when I had the PA and it was so horrific that I don't wish it on anyone... I was supposedly just a few clicks away from being so deficient that I would have had psychosis!
I like the sublinguals from Trader Joes. They are inexpensive, dissolve quickly and don't have a strange taste to them. Anyhow, even it it is only 9% of people who are on long term metformin as I was/am, it is serious for those who suffer. No one told me that this was a common side effect of metformin, or to look for symptoms to discuss w my doctors until it was almost too late. There needs to be much more awareness in the community.


i am diabetic, since 15 years i am taking metform medicine in one or other tablets, now i have developed B12 deficiency, as when i lie down and get up and suddenly i feel dizziness, , i dont get taste in my food, i get tired very fast, while walking i feel as if i am unbalanced, but i always walk atleast 2 to 3 km daily, now i am taking Seven seas cod liv capsule 2 daily, and purchased methylcobalmin tab for 10 tab, rs 110, and purchased Neurobin tab and taking both tab 2, . 2 daily for few days, now i feeling something better within taking these three medicine, now i want to control my sugar tablet daily only two times,
i feel i can regularise my B12 label in my body


I greatly appreciate your video, which delves into topics beyond what I've encountered on other platforms. Thank you sincerely.


The problem is that if you listen carefully often you will hear "More studies need to be made" which tells you that they are not interested in the results because they may not like them and the pill industry will come down.


I just started Metphorman and added "Methyl B-12 2500 Mcg to my diet.


I have been taking Metformin for about 4 years now and just found out I’m B-12 deficient. Doctor wants me to have one shot a month for 6 months and then she will retest. I’ll probably have to take supplements the rest of my life. Been feeling dizzy, have restless leg syndrome, and food tastes different.


Vegan for over 25 years when I was diagnosed as Diabetic and given Metformin little did I realise I would end up on quarterly B12 injections and meds for my stomach and top up Iron when my levels tank. At first it was suggested that it was my diet that caused the B12 problem, I pointed out it had never been a problem for 15 years before Metformin came along, I have managed to half my metformin dose and hope to eventually come off the rest but I still don't know if the damaged caused to my gut is permanent. I have been told I will need the B12 shots for the rest of my life...


Finally answered my question. But when will we know if b12 supplements work in preventing the b12 deficency? Are there any trials going on?


I wish doctors would taste this seriously.


I have been taking Metformin about 11 years B-12 got low ...went on time released B-12 and I had good results...I am normal again.


use sublingual. Goes right into the bloodstream.


My specialist is treating me for my blood work high white blood cell count said I didn’t need B-12 because my food gives it to me but I really wanted the B-12 shot because I never know if I will eat good with my swallowing problems


Metformin constantly gives me diarrhea 4-5 times a week. I lost 55 pounds in 2 years and 6 months without dieting. From 205 lbs to 150 lbs.
I'm glad I lost weight, but it's scary to lose weight without wanting to.
The doctor ended up replacing the metformin.


I started metformin 3 days ago to lose weight. (I am 5"4 and weigh 159 and want to get to my pre menopause weight of 129) I already dropped 3 lbs in 3 days. 500 mg.
I am taking nutritional yeast and taking 3000 mg of B12.
I don't have diabetes but my sugar cravings were horrible. I got the subscription online because my doctor would not give me one. My BMI was 28.


I had difficiency, it is 112 pg /cl after 2 month medication, but now some of symptoms still not going


Alright, the experts don’t know what the drugs are doing and what to do, but they will prescribe you drugs. Whatever.


Should a supplement be needed when on a HFLC diet


Metformin induces cellular autophagy. That may be why absorption of B12 is either impaired or perhaps depleted within cells.


can i take 500 mcg once a week ? to keep healthy b12 levels, Now you can get only 500 or 1000 mcg on the market, what do you thinnk ?


Should i take the b12 with metformin at the same time or wait a while after taking the metformin. I be tired / fatigue a lot after taking metformin i bought some b12 pills they help but i wonder if a better time to take them before or after the metformin?
