INBOUND 2016: Tom Monaghan '13 Things to Stop, Start, or Keep Doing (Only Better) with Your Email'

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A super fast, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow, sometimes backed up by data, sometimes backed up by years of email induced pain and billions of emails sent gut talk full of ideas, examples, stories, lame jokes, and some really wild guesses to help you deal with the real, live email problems you're having.; We'll cover what your stats really mean, what you're readers want to tell you but are too nice to, why your mom doesn't even read your email (still!), how to send less while accomplishing more, how to talk your boss of the KPI ledge, why purchased lists are for quitters, and where to get the best beer in Boston.

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Very nice and in depth analysis of Emails. I liked it very much, super informative and insightful. Must watch for anyone who writes emails for business.


Don not through your add dollars away on social media. Name the last advertisement you saw on FaceBook? Name a friend co worker who got hired from LinkedIn?
