My Movie2

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sorry i wasnt able to put music again.

these are just few of the last photos of sky, sun an moon. these are from 2020. from 2014 to 2017[mainly, some fewer from 2018 also] [where i was still able to walk distances,5,6,7km] i had similar pictures of the entire waterfront of thessaloniki from a previous mobile [i remember some was way more beautiful], but i cant find them now. please if possible see the previous "video" and video discriptions[the previous one-discription is very big and includes/explains a lot of truth and kindness and more] its very important and not only just important its way more, its kindness, understanding and truth . i want but im tired and dizzy to write more in this post
edit: please if possible see the discription of the previous photo "video"[this is the biggest] but also there are some important comments in some of the discriptions of some of the music videos[this written also at random at 2024 and not in accordance of the importance of the song]. Also if you notice the majority of videos uploaded 21 march and 15 august or around these dates. for examble in the morning of 15 august 2016 i uploaded 3 music videos which i had created the previous days. Also there are 2 songs which refer your name in the lyrics

please , if possible, listen the songs i had uploaded[the most of them are around 21march and 15august] especially 2016 had uploaded many but not only 2016 almost all years before and after. ahh i also has some random playlists i think

last edit : again, i always believed and still believe you are great [ i think i wrote about it in other discriptions more]

last edit2: also in 2019, except the others health probl, diagnosed with M.S. at ippokrateio

only kindness, understanding and truth
Δεσ. Κ.
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