The 4 BEST Grafting Techniques using DORMANT SCIONS | RESULTS after 35 days

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See the RESULTS in full detail of the 4 BEST GRAFTING TECHNIQUES that you can use with dormant scions to graft a wide range of FRUIT TREES. Graft Apples, Pears, Peaches, Apricots, Almonds, Kiwis, Loquats, Figs, Plums and many other types of fruit trees with these high success rate techniques.

Table of contents:
0:00 – Intro
1. Results – Modified Clef Graft - 00:07
2. Results – Bark graft - 01:40
3. Results - Whip and Tongue Graft - 04:50
4. Results – Side Graft - 06:29

Below are links to other videos featuring detailed grafting and pruning techniques:
Check the channel for more videos on Grafting, Pruning, Rooting and Growing Fruit Trees.
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Check the results in full detail of 4 of the best techniques to Graft Apples, Pears, Peaches, Apricots, Almonds, Kiwis, Loquats, Figs, Plums and many other types of fruit trees. If you appreciate my work, LIKE, Subscribe and Share the video, to help me make more.
If you have questions, leave a Comment, and I will try to answer as many as I can. Thanks for watching.


Thank you for your hard work and time showing us all the steps and the progress of the graftings!


That's perhaps the best grafting tutorial I've seen. Excellent film work coupled with a quick but precise explanation of the grafting techniques. Well done!


I very much enjoy that you show the failures of why graphs don't take. I personally think that your video on the techniques, speaking through the processes and why they don't take, to me is the most educational video and only helps in understanding graghting. I have reviewed a lot if graghting videos, yours would have to be the most interesting. Thankyou


Thank you my friend, I learned grafting watching your videos and practice, I now have a 4year old brown turkey with 6 different varieties of figs. Bnr, Cddgris, noir,cddmutante,i-258, Ponte Teresa, and A Peruvian unknown, the grafts I used were whip and tongue, cleft, and chip bud. Thank you again


I don't know a single thing about grafting but i feel calm and it's relaxing to watch 😌


Thank you for your videos, they are very informative. With your help I've successfully grafted some pakistan mulberry scions I collected from trees I bought and planted, and this year grafted them to the wild mulberry growing behind my house and at the irrigation canal adjacent my property. I also collected grape scions from vines I planted 7 years ago at my dad's house and grafted them to my 5 year old grape I planted here. This year bought several fruit trees so this winter I will be taking many many scions and will try to graft onto the native wild grapes and the wild pear trees here. I will also be trying to graft the other wild mulberry once they go dormant and I can chop them down to eye level. Thanks again for all your help, this wisdom you share makes for a very fulfilling hobby, where you can literally appreciate the fruits of your labor.


Thanks to God and you just did my first successful graft using the whip and tongue! I tried many times( sweet cherry onto sour cherry) and failed many many times but one of them finally took and i couldn't be any happier!! I was curious when to take the tape off but i see you let it get to a good size first and then take it off. Thank you!


Your videos always make me feel more confident about grafting my own trees! Thank you for sharing your seemingly endless well of knowledge & experience with us!


Every day is a school day, thank you once again for sharing your knowledge and experience, so inspiring for all of us here.


THANKS for sharing different Grafting techniques. I really appreciate how you illustrated each Grafting methods .


Fantastic, thank you for showing the follow up, also the one that didn't look so good :)


THanks for showing us the failure too! it really helps for learning


you speak in good manner that every one can pick each word.practical work is good too


Спасибо большое что показади лучше методы с результатом и я попробовал получились с хорошими результатом.Благодарю что вы поделились с своим знанием.


Attempted my first few grafts this year. Don't think they took, but had limited material to work with. Will try again next year when I have more scion/rootstock.


Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 I subscribed to your channel 😀🙏


You put out super good videos, thanks again for that. Also appreciate that you clearly point out grafts for dormant scions and grafts and timing for live scion (bud grafting.) Beginners like me need clear instructions! We live in town, have a small yard, and I just have 2 pear espaliers (one is 5 yrs old, with 10 cordons and 7 varieties; 1 in the 3rd year with 10 cordons with 8 varieties) and 1 apple espalier (6 yrs old, now 8 cordons witih 8 varieties), but I keep trying to build on what I have. This year, using your techniques and advice, I did 2 new apples cordons and 4 pear, and they all took. It's a wonderful feeling when you see those buds pop through the parafilm! Anyway, no one around here (in northern Idaho in the US) that I know of does grafting or espalier, so I've had to rely on Youtube primarily, and your videos are the best I've found. Great job! PS, do you have recommendations on how to handle pest like pear mites. I try to not use harsh chemicals.


This is a great video on the different type of graghs. Also that speaking the processes through. Thankyou for explaining the processes, it helps in explaining how to do the process. This to me is one of the best videos on graphting I have ever seen. Thankyou.


Всё так ловко получается у мастера, что кажется он просто играется с растениями. Отличный ролик - руководство для новичков садоводов!
