Docker Tutorial | Docker Commands | Deploy war file In Tomcat Using Docker File | Docker Vs VM's

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In this video you can learn what is Docker how it is useful now a days in software development. deploy war file inside tomcat using Docker file.
#dockertutorialbiginners #dockercommands #docker

8. Listing Docker images
$ docker images

9. Pulling images

Docker pull images_name

10. Searching for images.

Docker search imagename

11. Building our own images.

Docker build –t imagename .

12. Create Docker Hub account.

13. Login to Docker Hub trough Docker CLI.

Docker login

14. Push to custom image to Docker Hub.

Docker push imagename

15. Run Docker Image as a Docker Container.

Docker run –it –p 8181:8080 –name container_name imagename

16. Remove Docker images.

Docker rmi imagename /image_id

17. Remove Docker Containers.

Docker rm container_name/container_id
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18. Remove Docker Multiple Docker images at a Time.

Docker rmi image_Id image_id

19. Remove none Docker images _dangling images .

docker rmi -f “dangling=true” –q
docker rmi -f $docker images -f "dangling=true" -q

20. Stop Docker Container.

Docker stop container_id

21. Kill Docker Container.

Docker kill container_id

22. Difference between Docker kill and stop.
23. Listing Running Containers.

Docker ps

24. Listing Running and stopped containers.

Docker ps -a

Docker ps –f “status=exited”

25. Check the logs of running containers.

Docker logs container_Id
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sir, i have a dbt.every time i build the image and run it and then delete it.Then after i want to run this image again after changing some code in our application, then all the requirements.txt file and the base image python:3 will be downloaded again.then what i have to stop again downloading the requirements.txt file every time.can u give me any solution?


Hi, can we run number of services in a single container? If yes then how can we achieve that?
