He hit the nail on the head. I have had other brands since 89. I have seen Mathew’s come through time and again replacing entire bows! 14 after Hurricane Rita. Another brand new safari when one was stolen! Something a bow company doesn’t have to do. So I bought a new LIFT simply because of the outstanding customer service. A company second to none
😂 bro you got me cooked over here. Pulling back through to watch again. Its a great bow and shooting lazers.
What I love Also along with Mathew’s customer service is that Mathew’s still produces and stocks all bow parts for nearly every bow they’ve ever made. You can buy cams and limbs for a thirty year old bow. What other company does that?
Solid review bro! I couldn't agree more. After a drawn out decision, I went with the lift as well. Just overall a better setup/deal
My limbs cracked too and i went from 70# down to 65.5# as a result. Their customer service was great but in reality I've barely even used the bow I was a little disappointed to have something so major go wrong that quickly
Great comparison video. I recently bought a Mathews lift over a Hoyt alpha x. It was a tough decision but overall I liked the feeling of the Mathews and it was also lighter and faster.
Too bad they both had warranty issues, I’ve heard of the lift limbs cracking on other people in the forums but I’m at least confident that Mathews will replace them quickly if it ever happens to me!
I will say I had my old Hoyt for 8 years not one issue but this year I shot the rx8 and the lift and I also went with the Lift just like the way it felt better. I will agree with some comments saying the Hoyt is more durable at least the one I had showed that because I also had the limb crack on my lift within a month but from what I heard Mathews has the issue fixed with the limbs and I will say they had my new limbs within 3 days so great customer service
The Hoyt RX8 it’s made for Hunting, supposed to be like that Fast bow.
You need to shoot the RX8 Ultra.
I have the rx7 and lift 33 I find myself picking up the lift 99% of the time. I just love the short valley making me hold into the back wall more instead of creeping. It makes me more accurate
To me, there’s just too many cracked limbs out there on the Mathews. You don’t nearly hear as much with Hoyt.
I shot both, bought the Mathew’s. Better in my opinion, but both are top of the line, it is all personal preference
The lift in my eyes is better it shots smooth not to heavy very balanced shots quit and powerful. Nothing bad at all to say about it can’t wait to use it this season
I shot my rx8 ultra a lot for 3-4 months. Loved it. Told everybody it was the best bow made…… then the draw mod bolt broke off and it locked at full draw. Hoyt wouldn’t send the parts to fix it. The bow had to go back to them. I’ll never own another Hoyt after getting screwed like this on warranty work. Luckily I own a bow press and I was able to take the string and cables off so it was no longer a bomb waiting to go off. Just talked to Hoyt and they’re still waiting on parts. Do they not make their own parts? The estimation they gave will make it about 8 weeks before it’s in my possession again. Lift 33 here I come!
That is a big deal. Thank you for your review sir. The Lord allowed me to buy a lift 33. I do believe if anything happens, mathews would stand behind it, in the case of limb splintering. It is nice to gear their turn around on warranty is as quick as possible with mathews. Good luck this season.
I have a Lift 29.5... the only thing that I don't like about it is the ridiculous price of their bridge lock stabilizers... ouch!
Any authorized Hoyt dealer could’ve fixed your bow under warranty.
Wow bro similar story as mine. Got the Hoyt Alpha X 33 and the mod ripped off the cam at full draw same as you. My cams fired a little bit later before I got them home to secure. Hoyt warranted everything but it did take about 3 weeks to get bow back. New cams, mods, limbs and strings etc. I bought a Mathew's Lift 33 in the mean time. I shot a few hundred arrows out of it before I saw delaminating and splintering on an upper limb. I sent it back to Mathews, and they replaced limbs and shipped back. It took about 3 weeks. I got the lift back and shot about 100 arrows and noticed the bottom limbs were splintering now as well. I sent bow back a few days ago. Pretty disappointing to say the least.
Same thing happened with my mod screw sheered off and messed my limb up and my module
As far as the noise goes, I've watched reviews with actual decibel meters Mathews was slightly quieter. They actually had to come out with the phase 4 limbs to stay on top. Now you said in a previous video that Mathews is experiencing limb breakages. I'm curious as to how many limbs you'll go through. Now for the speed, the draw specific module will produce faster speeds. Hoyt ran those in the past and were 9 f.p.s. faster than Mathews. Good luck man, waiting and watching
Mathews has been having a limb cracking problem. I have the same lift (in the same camo) as you. After one month of having it, it derailed at 3/4 draw and cracked the limbs. My bow was at the shop for a month (luckily it wasn’t hunting season). They sent out new limbs, cams, mods, top hats, center roller and guard and they have already began to fix the problem as they come in for warranty. I admit that i am a Mathews fan boy BUT i have shot bow tech, hoyt and PSE. Mathews is by far a better bow company.