The Dinosaur Jurassic World Dominion Got RIGHT (Sorta)

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Jurassic World Dominion spoilers! Therizinosaurus from Jurassic World Dominion is the one dinosaur it got scientifically right (sorta). Let's see why this is the case
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I never forgot the Stegos attacking Sarah because she was too close to their baby. Baby was harmless because it didn't know better but watching it's family attack a human will teach it otherwise. So Therizno attacking Claire to defend it's home wasn't a surprise to me. It has the "tools" to kill and I don't mean just the claws, that beak yikes.


I asked someone "Whats scarier, a snake or a moose?" They answered snake. Snakes would quietly slither away if it hears a human but a moose has the strength and the balls to tip your entire car over. The sick Triceratops scene in the original movie always confused me, as a WILD ANIMAL allowed humans to come near it and touch it and observe it. I do like the Therizinosaurus scene because it does show how scary and powerful herbivores can be.


I was actually rather happy with the Therizinosaurus in this movie, not from an accuracy standpoint but it's overall presentation. I feel herbivores in the Jurassic franchise often get sidelined a bit too much. The Lost World was pretty good with the Stegosaurus and Pachycephalosaurus being presented as a threat, but to think the Triceratops hasn't had a scene of it taking on a T-rex despite those animals actually having been competing against one another is sad. Glad that the Therizinosaurus actually was shown to be a rather threatening and dangerous herbivore.


You have to remember that large herbivores have evolved to survive predators trying to kill and eat them


I personally think that herbivores are far scarier than carnivores, because when a carnivore wants to kill you, is usually just for food and can be persuaded to give up if he thinks you're not worth the risk.
But with herbivores is quite the contrary, when an erbivore wants to kill you IT WILL FUCKING DO IT. It isn't an animal that just does it for survival, is an animal that sees you as a threat and has decided that the best way to deal with you is to turn you into an article on the local newspaper and trying to look dangerous will just prove his point, plus he doesn't need to save energy to hunt his pray (the last time I checked, plants don't run away from you) so it will use 100% of his effort and go fucking ballistic on your ass until you stop moving.


This was my favorite creature in the movie. Often herbavores are shown to only be dangerous through stampedes, or some gimmick like armor. Even the ones with horns are usually shown as being gimmicky. Rarely are they shown to survive against carnivores by being actively more aggressive and dangerous than the predator.


Speaking of dangerous herbivores, I liked the added detail of how that individual Therizinosaurus appeared to have a vision impairment. One reason why rhinoceroses are often so aggressive, for example, is because their poor eyesight can make them much easier to startle.


To add to all of this, one thing that applies across many species is that temperament can vary from one individual to the next. Some dogs are friendly and might even let a stranger pet them, others are very territorial and won't let you get close, yet others are shy and will prefer to leave so as to avoid confrontation. I could easily see such a variety of potential behaviors on many kinds of animals. Including humans, for what it's worth.


Thank you. Herbivorous animals WILL defend themselves, their young, their territories, etc when necessary. The scene depicting Owen comforting the parasaurolophus was so unnatural. I know it’s just a movie, but can you imagine trying to pet a wild horse you JUST chased and wrangled with rope? A wild ostrich? A wild hippo? I assisted park rangers with freeing a CAPTIVE buck (rescued and raised by humans) that got its antlers tangled in broken habitat fencing. When the buck suddenly freed itself with help from the rangers who RAISED him, the buck immediately turned and rammed the closest ranger and began to drag him back and forth on the ground before we were able to pull him back to safety. He was so lucky to walk away with just soreness and bruising. Herbivores are not to be underestimated and can be extremely dangerous/fatal.


I feel like the reason it killed for fun and did that is because of something that's never stated but seems obvious, the theri is blind, so it likely exhibits what things like Rhinoceros and Anteaters exhibit, over-aggressiveness.


There are exceptions though. The Manatee is physically incapable of biting, scratching, or tail slapping anyone, let alone humans. I'm honestly surprised how they manage to stay alive for so long. They're just so cute.


1 quote that sums it up perfectly imo...

"Carnivores fight to eat, herbivores fight to live."


And the fact Blue is shown not as a cute pet but a wild animal.


Therizinosaurus may have "possibly" been an omnivore. Phylogenetic bracketing does show some support for this, as some of its closest ancestors show evidence of being omnivorous. However, we don't have a lot of fossils of Therizinosaurus, and the skeleton is still incomplete, so it's impossible to be conclusive.

You also presented dogs and grizzly bears as carnivores. They are also omnivores, but I could see why people might think they are carnivores. Surprisingly, meat only makes up about 10-20% of a grizzly bear's diet.


Well for cows, something small just has to get in front of its eating path, seriously saw a cow just inhale a bird as it was eating grass, feathered boi didn't suspect a thing. Also one thing you may be overlooking is that this specific Theri is blind so I don't think it was picking a fight with Giga, just like Theri, Rhinos are mostly blind thus are extra aggressive even squaring up against elephants because it can't see how big it is, all it knows is that something is standing up to it and it needs to defend itself at all costs because it doesn't know if it intends on killing it, it literally treats every fight like a fight to the death, that's why this Theri can't afford to turn its back on any opponent.


as someone who's played ARK, when I saw the trailer with the therizinosaurus, I knew exactly what it was, and exactly how much it should be feared


I actually think the amount of feathering they portray is quite reasonable. Given that Therizinosaurus is around the size of Tyrannosaurus rex, and we think Tyrannosaurus rex had little to no feathering due to gigantothermy, I find it unlikely that it would have a dense coat of feathers.


As someone who's played Ark for is the most horrifying thing to run into at any time no matter how damn powerful you


I was actually pleased with this too.
A lot of people underestimate how aggressive herbivores can be. Literally some of the most terrifying animals to meet are so called plant eaters. Especially the larger ones.
Honestly I'd rather meet a wolf while walking in the woods than a moose.
The dangerous 7 of Africa is made up of over half herbivores. Those being Elephants, Cape Buffalo, Rhino and Hippo.
I do wish media would acknowledge that herbivores aren't entirely pushovers. They haven't survived for so long by being pre cooked chicken.


There was never a trope of herbivores being friendly. The pachy pummeling that guy in The Lost World and the stigimoloch almost pummeling Chris in fallen kingdom, the stegos attacking sarah in the lost world, even the gallimimus almost trampling the Alan and the kids in the original counts
