superluminal signals=Noncommutative geometry antigravity='non-commutatizing the universe' science

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"We find that these vortices travel at velocities which can exceed the speed of light.... non-commutative vortex can travel faster than the speed of light was also noted in [14]. Unlike [14], however, we take the point of view that this phenomenon is real,...Yet, there is no bound on the distances the non-commutative solitons can travel at speeds faster than the speed of light.... Conventional ideas for traveling faster than the speed of light involve “short-cuts” in space-time such as the wormholes and the warps. The result presented in this paper offers a new alternative: non-commutatizing the universe."

the noncommu-
tative solitons [12], Einstein aether waves [13], “superluminal” photons in the Drummond-
Hathrell effect [14, 15] and in the Scharnhorst effect [16, 17].1 These last two phenomena
are due to the vacuum polarization i.e. higher-order QED corrections. It was argued that
this superluminal propagation leads to the causal paradoxes in the gedanken experiment
involving either two black holes [18] or two pairs of Casimir plates [19] moving with the
high relative velocities.


Torstein that's hilarious!! hahaha. I knew we were doomed by 1996 so I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota through the African Studies Department doing intensive training with a Chinese yoga master spiritual healer who works with the Mayo Clinic doctors - Chunyi Lin. So I know ghosts are real, and also spiritual abilities - precognition, telepathy, telekinesis. Chunyi Lin even levitated while in full lotus meditation right after he got out of the cave where he went 28 days in nonstop full lotus meditation at Mt. Qingcheng.
Yeah then I spent ten years reading one scholarly book a day and I tracked this down to what's called noncommutativity in science. Noncommutativity unifies relativity and quantum physics - only catch is that all of standard science has thus far been based on commutative geometry. hahaha. So life is from negentropy from quantum noncommutativity that is nonlocal. Eddie Oshins figured out that the secret of nonwestern meditation is noncommutativity - that's why he coined "quantum psychology" when he worked at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. He also taught Wing Chun (of Bruce Lee fame)....
So noncommutativity is definitely transdoom. hahahaha. thanks


Traveling Faster than the Speed of Light in
Non-Commutative Geometry
Akikazu Hashimotoa and N. Itzhakib
aInstitute for Advanced Study
School of Natural Sciences
Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540
bDepartment of Physics
