This Mistake could Seal our Fate | Cities: Skylines II

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Thank you for watching another awesome video with MaT7 Plays ✌️
In this episode: We add a post office to help with mail demand on top of adding our first college in Hydrebourg.
======= HOW TO SUPPORT ME👍=======
======= MUSIC =======
Master Planned Music
======= MODS THAT I USE =======
529 Tiles - Algernon
Achievement Enabler - Wayz
Advanced Line Tool - algernon
Anarchy - Yenyang
Asphalt Patches - Sully_Skylines
Asset Icon Library - TDW
Asset Packs Manager - Mimonsi
Asset UI Manager - Qoushik
Baseball Fields - Sully_Skylines
Beach Assets - Washi776
Beach Row Zone - Washi776
Better Bulldozer - Yenyang
Brush Size Unlimiter - Cgameworld
Cim Route Highlighter - mattswarthout
Cities Skylines II Graffiti Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Concrete Tiles - Sully_Skylines
Corners for Row zones - Washi776
Cracks and Damage Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Ctrl C - Jk142
Economy Fixes - Nucleartux
Extended Tooltip - Mimonsi
Extra Assets Importer - Triton Supreme
Extra Detailing Tools - Triton Supreme
Extra Graffiti Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Extra Landscaping Tools - Triton Supreme
Extra Lib - Triton Supreme
Extra networks and Area - Mimonsi
Farming Surfaces - TheBroMan10
Farming Zones 2 - Washi776
Find It - TDW
First Person Camera Continued - Cgameworld
Free Range Camera - Algernon
Golden Sand Beaches Texture pack - Sully_Skylines
Grates and Covers Decal Pack - CryptoGamerSkylines
Home of Chameleon TBN - Chameleon TBN
I18n EveryWhere - Baka-gourd
Improved Building Level - Rcav8tr
Infoloom - Bruceyboy24804
Kiosks - Washi776
Lumina - Nyyoko
Manicured Grass - Sully_Skylines
Map Texture Replacer - Cgameworld
More Parks - Washi776
Move It - Quboid
Plop the Growables - Algernon
Prop Lights Mod - Trejak
Quays and Piers - Washi776
Realistic Parking - DaancingBanana
Recolor - yenyang
Riverbeds Texture Pack - Sully_Skylines
Road Builder - TDW
Road Name Remover - Mimonsi
Road Wear Adjuster - HX2003
Roundabouts - Washi776
Sea Foam Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Show Text Trends - Daniel-00001
Skyve - TDW
Stains and Leakage Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Stiffer Vehicles - Mimonsi
Time & Weather - Rogrigmatrix
Toggle Overlays - TDW
Traffic - krzychu124
Traffic Lights Enhancement - C2VMTLE
Tree Controller - yenyang
Unified Icon Library - Algernon
Vehicle Variation Packs - Mimonsi
Water Features - yenyang
Water Mirror Surfaces - elGendo87
Water Visual Tweaks - HX2003
White San Beaches Texture Pack - Sully_Skylines
Zone Color Changer - TDW
Zone Organizer - Mimonsi
Zoning Toolkit - zeeshanabid94
In this episode: We add a post office to help with mail demand on top of adding our first college in Hydrebourg.
======= HOW TO SUPPORT ME👍=======
======= MUSIC =======
Master Planned Music
======= MODS THAT I USE =======
529 Tiles - Algernon
Achievement Enabler - Wayz
Advanced Line Tool - algernon
Anarchy - Yenyang
Asphalt Patches - Sully_Skylines
Asset Icon Library - TDW
Asset Packs Manager - Mimonsi
Asset UI Manager - Qoushik
Baseball Fields - Sully_Skylines
Beach Assets - Washi776
Beach Row Zone - Washi776
Better Bulldozer - Yenyang
Brush Size Unlimiter - Cgameworld
Cim Route Highlighter - mattswarthout
Cities Skylines II Graffiti Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Concrete Tiles - Sully_Skylines
Corners for Row zones - Washi776
Cracks and Damage Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Ctrl C - Jk142
Economy Fixes - Nucleartux
Extended Tooltip - Mimonsi
Extra Assets Importer - Triton Supreme
Extra Detailing Tools - Triton Supreme
Extra Graffiti Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Extra Landscaping Tools - Triton Supreme
Extra Lib - Triton Supreme
Extra networks and Area - Mimonsi
Farming Surfaces - TheBroMan10
Farming Zones 2 - Washi776
Find It - TDW
First Person Camera Continued - Cgameworld
Free Range Camera - Algernon
Golden Sand Beaches Texture pack - Sully_Skylines
Grates and Covers Decal Pack - CryptoGamerSkylines
Home of Chameleon TBN - Chameleon TBN
I18n EveryWhere - Baka-gourd
Improved Building Level - Rcav8tr
Infoloom - Bruceyboy24804
Kiosks - Washi776
Lumina - Nyyoko
Manicured Grass - Sully_Skylines
Map Texture Replacer - Cgameworld
More Parks - Washi776
Move It - Quboid
Plop the Growables - Algernon
Prop Lights Mod - Trejak
Quays and Piers - Washi776
Realistic Parking - DaancingBanana
Recolor - yenyang
Riverbeds Texture Pack - Sully_Skylines
Road Builder - TDW
Road Name Remover - Mimonsi
Road Wear Adjuster - HX2003
Roundabouts - Washi776
Sea Foam Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Show Text Trends - Daniel-00001
Skyve - TDW
Stains and Leakage Decal Pack - Sully_Skylines
Stiffer Vehicles - Mimonsi
Time & Weather - Rogrigmatrix
Toggle Overlays - TDW
Traffic - krzychu124
Traffic Lights Enhancement - C2VMTLE
Tree Controller - yenyang
Unified Icon Library - Algernon
Vehicle Variation Packs - Mimonsi
Water Features - yenyang
Water Mirror Surfaces - elGendo87
Water Visual Tweaks - HX2003
White San Beaches Texture Pack - Sully_Skylines
Zone Color Changer - TDW
Zone Organizer - Mimonsi
Zoning Toolkit - zeeshanabid94