Preparing for natural disasters, extreme weather events and climate change

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Our latest sigma report published by the Swiss Re Institute makes it apparent that weather disaster losses rise as economies grow and climate changes. The accumulation of exposures due to economic growth and urbanisation have given rise to losses resulting from weather events. Climate change is an important factor influencing loss trends. Risk mitigation and adaptation measures are a must to go forward. The Netherlands has a long history in mitigating flood risk and is adapting for climate change.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn directly from the Dutch Delta Commissioner Peter Glas, about the Delta Programme. Peter will share insights into the Delta programme, how it is mitigating flood risk, extreme rainfall and drought. Managing rising sea levels and other adaptation to climate changing.
Janette Bessembinder, from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), will take a specific look at some weather extremes in Europe in the past year and whether these occur more often due to climate change. Further, she will present information on projections with respect to climate change and sea level rise.
Lucia Bevere, author of the above-mentioned sigma report, will talk about the global catastrophe events in 2019 and discuss the correlation between climate change and rising natcat losses.
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