Sociopath Personality Test - 10 Sociopathic Signs

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Take the Sociopath Personality Test so that you don't get conned in love.

Sociopaths are people who cannot reciprocate love. They will take it and feed off it but you will not get any love back.

Everything they do puts themselves and their own needs first. Knowing how to spot a sociopath can save you from a lot of pain and hurt. Learn the sociopathic signs so that you don't get conned in love.

Sign 1 - The sociopathic stare
He stares at you with a burning intensity that seems to penetrate to your soul. Nobody has ever looked at you this way before, you feel so desired but really you are being watched and sized up as prey. When the moment is right, the sociopath will strike.

Sign 2 - Big Love
It's a whirlwind romance full of grand romantic gestures. You feel as if you are in a movie. This is how love is supposed to be. And it is amazing, at first.

Sign 3 - Soul Mates
Your guy is your mirror. You've never met anyone before who is so much like you and who shares all the same beliefs and dreams. What's happening here is sociopathic mirroring. He's showing you what you want to see, and you are falling in love with yourself reflected back at you.

Sign 4 - No Boundaries
You have never encountered such emotional openness before - he wants to deeply connect. He's hungry to know everything about you and he trusts you enough to open up and share his painful past (but this is only so you pity him and bring him even closer).

Sign 5 - Fast Love
Things are moving very quickly. He proposes after a week. And after 2 weeks he's moved in with you.

Sign 6 - Absolutely Great Sex
Sociopaths do not experience shame or guilt. This means that anything goes in sex. But be careful you don't get attached here because he will never be able to love you back and he isn't interested in meeting your needs at all.

Sign 7 - Electrifying Charisma
Your sociopathic guy will often be enthrallingly charismatic. They have an intoxicating energy about them at first that is easy to get addicted to.

Sign 8 - Vampires
He has so much charisma and energy because he steals it from the people in his life. Sociopaths are not able to give energy to others. This means that they suck and feed on the lifeforce of their prey. They will extract every drop of love or money that you have and they will take it and then leave you with nothing.

Sign 9 - Perfect Future Lie
It's a warning if when you've only just met him he's already talking about your perfect future together. He's deceiving you with the promise of commitment by using lots of 'we' statements; 'When we have children together we're going to be amazing parents'. This is a trick to win your trust and devotion.

Sign 10 - Mask Slipping
Sociopaths are shape-shifters. They will play the role you want them to play, for a time. Eventually the mask will slip and you will witness the monster within. You can hardly believe what you're seeing... You're confused and shocked... But you keep giving them just one last chance.

Sociopaths are often highly intelligent people with expert people skills but knowing these signs can help keep your heart and pocket safe from their one-sided love.

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This isn't ten sociopathic signs, this is ten signs you haven't got over a break up and your trying to make yourself feel better


Sounds like a bitter ex GF working on a school project.


This describes psychopaths more than it does sociopaths.


not all sociopaths are men you know...


Not all sociopaths are violent... You would be surprised how many there are that live normal lives


This is offensively wrong. Sociopaths are not sadistic unfeeling monsters. They are selfish and have trouble feeling empathy. They do not go out of their way to hurt you, but if they feel like hurting you will benefit them then they will. Also Sociopaths can feel emotions, they just don't feel empathy. Where most people when they read about something tragic, for example 9/11, they are filled with sadness. A sociopath will see that and think "Lucky I wasn't there" and move on. You do have to be careful though with sociopaths, I'm not saying they're teddy bears. You are more likely to be decieved or cheated by a sociopath. Psychopaths are what you might be thinking of with this video. Like sociopaths, psychopaths feel no empathy, but many of them feel pleasure hurting others, emotionally or physically. Not all psychopaths will kill you, the majority of them won't. The majority of them prefer to torture people emotionally to get their fix since you can't get into trouble for that. It's far more risky to kill someone and so only severely psychopathic people would do it. Be careful though.


Psychopaths can not love, but sociopaths can. They tend to only love one person at a time, but they can be very dedicated and loving. They just won't be able to show empathy, but they will care that their lover is sad.


This entire video has a false subjective view of sociopaths. I came here to learn, not to take on the opinions of someone who feels they've been "used". This video is uninformative and puts the wrong picture into people's mind. This is to say, all content shown above is negative and mainly targets men. But I guess the simple, ignorant response I'd get from the poster is "oh, you must be a sociopath". No honey, I'm not; just an average human being that doesn't want wrong information to be put out there. 

On a different note, as far as relationships I may have seemed similar to some of the facts in this video. However, my intentions were for the benefit of me and the person I was with at the time. Are you saying that all men that show their caring empathetic side may be fronting? This is ridiculous and should be removed. I've never felt so strongly about removing a video from YouTube. This targets men in the worst way. 


Cool animation but this is.. In a way... Invalid, this video sounds more like a getting dumped video.


I'm not a sociopath but i wonder what would happen if 2 sociopaths were in a relationship? Perfect movie story then break up and no one gets hurt? :p


im a sociopath and we dont "stare at you"
and we dont break boundries, actually most sociopaths hate physical contact. and we dont often fake love.
you literally described the opposite of a sociopath


Kudos to the uploader, for clearly showing they have no idea what a sociopath is.


wtf? this video kind of pisses me off, it sounds like this chick got dumped and is calling him a sociopath -_-


Sociopathic people are still humans with feelings...


i came here to learn about sociopaths, not hear about your fucking ex-boyfriend. jesus this is so offensive and im not even a sociopath. sociopaths are not concerned with "devouring your heart" they honestly couldnt give a shit if they tried. theyre not good or bad, theyre situational. 


I am a sociopath, and yes I do like to take from people even emotions, and it makes me feel good, but I would like to inform you that sociopaths are capable of love in different ways. so if you are a sociopath don't be discouraged it just means that you will succeed socially, and be able to take what you want to better yourself. just remember you can blend into envirorments to have them work to your advantage


This is a horrible/ overly simplistic video


This is very creative and fun. A better title would have been, "The Top 10 Signs Your Boyfriend MIGHT be a Sociopath". Folks are very sensitive if information on this topic is presented as gender-biased. I believe all of us who have studied this personality type are well-aware that it doesn't discriminate between the sexes. But it is clear, from my experience over the past three years, that more women are sharing their stories of romantic betrayal by these types than men are sharing. So this video definitely has a specific audience in mind, which is perfectly acceptable. Thank you for the work you put into this video. I hope to see and share others by you in the near future. :)


"Put their self and their own needs first" Sounds like the most of mankind to me.


These are signs of a narcissist, not a sociopath. Big difference.
