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Final Fantasy V is my 8th Final Fantasy I've ever played. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it, but as it turns out it's among my top. I played Final Fantasy V via Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster on the Nintendo Switch, and what a way to play. Beautiful and fun from start to finish. I can't wait to explain my thoughts on Final Fantasy V via my Final Fantasy V Review.

"A remodeled 2D take on the fifth game in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics. All the magic of the original, with improved ease of play.

The King of Tycoon has sensed a disturbance in the wind. When the crystals that balance the powers of the world are threatened, the king hastens to the rescue...only to go missing. Somewhere a young man and his Chocobo find themselves drawn toward friends that will change their destiny.

Building on the job systems of previous games, FFV includes a diverse selection of jobs to try, and a unique ability system that lets you combine skills.

Develop your characters with free reign, and master your battle tactics in the fifth installment of the FINAL FANTASY series!"


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Look forward to SMTVV, Trails from Zero AND Azure review (one vid), TOP **11** jrpg villains, and more~ Join the Patreon to vote on what list video I should do next, byeee~!


I love the job system in this game, it's what got me excited about games like Bravely Default bringing it back.


The job system in this game is oh-so-satisfying! I love the ways you csn combine and customize. Glad to see this one get some love!


Great to see FFV getting some love - this is easily my favorite retro FF, and my third favorite SNES JRPG after Chrono Trigger and Trials of Mana. My favorite thing about this game, even more than the deep and rewarding Job system and party customisation, is the story scenes between the characters: The way they gradually learn about each other and grow closer into this tight-knit found-family, and the way that each character is always a part of each others' personal journey is so sweet and makes the quiet scenes really feel meaningful. To me, the best JRPGs all nail this aspect and this game is one of the earliest to do so.


The fact that the Pixel Remasters actually managed to improve on the music of most of the finest SNES tunes will never fail to impress me. In fact I think the Pixel Remasters might just be the best remakes of any type I've ever seen.


V is probably the funniest game of the series and the way they perfected the job system gives it a lot of replay value. Definitely one of the best


Also yes the cast is bubbly and fun. Much like the ff9 group. That's probably why these are my favorites! 🔥😊


The gameplay rightfully gets a spotlight when talking about FF5, but I think what they do with the story is also incredibly underappreciated. There is a consistent thematic undercurrent throughout of the burdens the next generation has forced upon them by the old. The world is crumbling because overuse of the crystals by past generations is causing them to shatter; Bartz and company have to go through all these ordeals because the Dawn Warriors sealed away Exdeath rather than try to come up with a more permanent solution, instead deferring the issue to somebody else later down the line; and even the whole crux of Exdeath's creation, being a tree who had too many evil spirits placed within it, speaks to people's impulse to just lock a problem away and try to ignore it instead of facing it head on. And with this being the last game Sakaguchi helmed as director, there is an additional metatextual layer to it - of Sakaguchi getting ready to pass the torch to the next generation of creatives who will have to face the burdens of game creation without him front and center.


I didn't ever hear much about FF5, but once I played it, I absolutely loved it. Over time, it's slowly getting higher and higher on my list of favorite FFs.


Storytime : I obtained the Japanese version of this game in 1993. There were physical differences between our SNES and the Super Famicon in Japan. The cartridge I had was modified - the screws were burned out for it to fit in the SNES. I was a teenager in Texas and didn't know any Japanese. The internet didn't exist. I started going to the public library to check out Japanese language books in hopes that it would help me play the game. I learned absolutely nothing. Katakana was impossibly difficult to learn on the fly. I remember the underwater battle where the guy was murdering me with meteor and was stuck there for awhile. Luckily, I ended up beating him by not attacking him. This mimicry skill changed everything. I eventually beat the game - without knowing one word of Japanese. It's still my favorite "classic" FF game before Sephiroth and FF7 changed everything.


It’s funny how I haven’t heard too much about this one. Thanks for the insight into this awesome looking ff. Love the class customization.


A wonderfully executed analysis! Thank you for touching on an entry in the series that just doesn't get much love.


So incredibly fulfilling in it's simplicity.


GIVE ME SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT!!! this review was fire, really felt the passion


Final Fantasy 5 wasn't released in the US for the SNES. It was later released on the Playstation as part of the FF Anthology collection. It's underrated because not a lot of people played it.


'Battle at Big Bridge' gets a ton of love, deservedly so, but 'The Prelude of Empty Skies' is my favorite track in the game and one of the best dungeon themes

I like how FFV is very heartfelt without trying to force it. FFIV is very dramatic all of the time, a damn soap opera


When these remasters dropped on the eshop you could see individual games on the chart and 5 was the highest on the Japanese eshop, which made me wonder they seemed to either like it the most or were most interested in it.


Great timing! I just picked up all the pixel remasters and I'm going through them now. Just finished FF1 and now on to 2. It's been many, many years since I last played 5. I can't even remember if I finished it, but I will for sure this time. Soon!


FF5 was my 1st FF. I Played it when I was a child. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Final Fantasy 5 is still one of the core final fantasy games that I have not played yet but its certainly a game I will eventually play when I get some free time in my life. My wife has actually played and beaten this game before and even though it's not her favourite - she still got her enjoyment out of it. She thinks the job system i one of the best implementation of jobs in a final fantasy game and she does hold a lot of fondness for final fantasy V for its light hearted approach to storytelling and a loveable yet goofy male lead.
