How to convert string to a number in JavaScript

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Numeric values represented in string format (of type "string") can be converted to actual numbers. (Variables of type "number"). Also keep in mind, you can add two numeric strings but they will be concatenated as strings, even if they are numeric. So, "100" + "100" produces "100100", not 200. But...if you subtract using subtraction operator (minus sign) JavaScript will attempt to perform actual numeric operation if both strings evaluate to a number. Example: "100" - "75" will produce a numeric value 25.
Numeric values represented in string format (of type "string") can be converted to actual numbers. (Variables of type "number"). Also keep in mind, you can add two numeric strings but they will be concatenated as strings, even if they are numeric. So, "100" + "100" produces "100100", not 200. But...if you subtract using subtraction operator (minus sign) JavaScript will attempt to perform actual numeric operation if both strings evaluate to a number. Example: "100" - "75" will produce a numeric value 25.