Use A Timer to Track Your Progress! Exercises Within the Modes of G!

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Exercises within the modes of G Major.
How I use a timer to track my progress through a specific bunch of exercises depending on your skill level.

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I'm feeling humbled by this one. Maybe if I had a workbook with the tab of all these exercises strung together I might be able to get through them. Maybe I need to keep better notes. Especially the modes. I'm so not ready for the pressure of a timer. I can't remember these exercises well enough to pull them out and play them like you do. I skipped modes because I figured that'll be back burner. I've been using major arpeggios to practice picking accuracy and memorize major triads and find different shapes to play the same chords. I keep the circle of fifths in front of me and discovered the triads are in there. It's not just a chart of chords in each key. Then I discovered why playing root and fifth works with major or minor keys, because the 3rd is eliminated. Picking accuracy becomes essential. And everything I come up with sounds like a 70s song by deep purple or Black Sabbath. Not a bad thing but I'm kinda limiting myself to power chords which isn't what I want. I'm just being lazy. But I am making sense of it. At least I know I'm playing root and 5th and why playing a D power chord works in Am. So I'll probably be watching this lesson many times plus the prerequisite lesson on modes before I get to use the timer. But don't slow down for me. I'll catch up. I wish I'd taken better notes in previous lessons to have reference material. I can't remember it well enough but my fingers sometimes do better than my conscience memory. I'm literally watching my fingers do stuff I'm not telling them to do. That's pretty cool.
