The SECRETS of making Cold Smoke & getting it into your Smoker

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Coldsmoking - Creating cold smoke & getting it into your smoker
In this video I use a simple coldsmoke setup to get smoke from the point of generation to the smoker in a way that ensures it remains cool enough to do the job safely when it enters the cold smoker.

One of the issues you have when generating smoke is that you have to use heat in the process when combusting wood to produce smoke .

Cold smoking should maintain low temperatures in the smoker so you need a setup that allows the heat used to create the smoke to dissipate before entering the smoker. The use of a smoke pipe as part of the setup facilitates this necessary step.

If you have any questions about the video or comments, please leave them below.

Рекомендации по теме

I got my cold smoke generator from wish .
Cost me £6 and its never let me down .
It's probably not as good quality as the pro Q 1 but for £6 ITS gr8 . Did ur smoked salmon recipe and it was OMG perfect 😋😋


Have you ever used a fridge as a cold smoker?. My father used to do that but unfortunately he has long passed. Would like advice on that as I have a fridge whose compressor is broken.


Any more info on the trashcan
Smoke generator ?


The whole video could be an IFE exam question....
