What's Consciousness? Is it a sponge or water? (#3)

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Consciousness is fascinatingly familiar yet enigmatic. We have spent lifetimes trying to understand the most fundamental element of who we are


Thank you, Fiction Beast, for your intelligence and insights with a broad spectrum of the greatest minds, whether it is philosophy or writers or psychology.
I always learn more from your videos, hopefully we all do.
Today, Decarte, Lock, Frederick Harbart, William Wundt, Charles Darwin, William James, Nico Frijda, Herman Ebbinghaus, Piree Janet and the brain of the Russians of Pavlov's work moving forward and the past.
Al these approaches in psychology are immense and connect as they were influenced by those that came before or time each where living in.

William James saw the entire universe as seamless flow: its member interdigitate with their neighbors and with no clean cuts anywhere. And hbe saw consciousness as having the same structure. In a famous passage he described, in a phrase that has gone into language, when he called it 'the stream of consciousness'.
With the deepest appreciation and respect for all you do!!❤


I am so happy to have stumbled onto your channel, it is exactly what I´ve been looking for for a long, long time! I surely am going to learn a lot from you ! Thank you


*There is no coming to consciousness without pain*
Carl Jung
PS: nice explanation


I'm a big William James fan, particularly in his ideas about what truth is. His psychological views give his understanding of truth a ton of context. And it's why I like his way of understanding his truth... because it's centered around the human experience of truth which, to me, makes a whole lot more sense.


It's both sponge for individuals and water for society and we absorb and keep it until we are no longer can hold it and then we suffer or enjoy hence we are mad in some way. Restrictions and free will that's it nothing in between


Consciousness is the frequency of depolarisation of neurons in the cerebral cortex. At least that’s what I learnt at school.
The brain does not remain in the same state for a moment, and the fact that neurons are active at a lower level during sleep is similar to William James' analogy of a river.


I have been thinking on this a lot for many months. My current view is that our bodies are sensory abstraction interaction mechanisms. We have external input and internal recall of prior input. A property of a being with a brain is that the consciousness interacts with the external world and contributes to the persistence of the being's survival. How consciousness builds appears to be a naive set structure based on abstract experiences of suroundings. By this I mean that both the floor and ceiling are societal and community dependant. 'Standing on the shoulders of giants' as Newton calls it. Ideas are programming and so exposure to the societal advances and cultural behaviour as well as good and bad habits of critical thinking all have an effect on development of personality, knowledge, maturity, and behaviour. The individual is shaped by both genetics (producing the neural net and bodily functions) and enviornmental exposure. I think that our minds collectively have not developed much in the last several thousand years of recorded history, but our access to knowledge and thinking techniques has increased across vast sections of the world. It makes things so frustrating that anti intelectualism movements are pulling humanity backwards. The same as selfish actions of elites being corrupt, exploitative and manipulative. But these phenomena have been around throughout history.

Back to consciousness. There is the cognision function of how an experience is processed. There is the experience functionality for how our brain handles the data input, there is the recall function for re-experiencing past experiences in full or part or combined. There is the output function for taking action to interact with the experiencial phenomena and there is the autonomic function of how the body maintains its functions. So the conscious part is the main parts that I have described but the autonomic is the part which is very unconscious and mostly appears hard wired. This like breathing, digesting, sweating, moving (semi unconscious as it appears to be dual controled). Dreaming appears to be a low level bioelectrical current where our neural net stimulates as the body tries to repair the brain during sleep. Such that what has beem occupying our mind when awake manifests as a highly active path of neurons during sleep. The neural net thus appears to be highly context dependent on subject stimuli. So anyone stuck over problems they are having difficulty with might benefit from finding different things to think over to benefit their own neural net.

So I think I find this more as a functionalist and physicalist position. But idealism is not a philosophy I find compelling.


Excellent. Thank you. Have you done anything on brainwashing?


You imagined an object and then you touched it and then you forgot that you're imagining. Because you can imagine anything and you can even imagine that you're not imagining it. So this is how God or you creates reality.

So many beautiful dreams that you can make. An infinite variety of them. Any Dream you want you know.

I could swim in the ocean.
I could be a psychedelic integration guide & an entheogenic herbalist with over 9000 years of experience.
I could break up with my girlfriend.
I could die. Even that's a dream and it's fun. It's beautiful.
It's called Leela, it's the play of God. It's just play. We're just having fun.
