How to ask your friends how much money they make! #money #friends #career

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This is so important!!! When my boss left, I was asked to pick up extra responsibilities. My work Bff was told me to ask for extra service pay and told me what she got in extra service pay when a similar situation happened to her. Forever grateful. She was looking out.


A bunch of people who had the same position in my office agreed to write their salary on a strip of paper and drop it in a bowl without identifying the person. After that was done, one person collected the salary data and shared it with the others that participated. It made people much more comfortable sharing the information because they could remain anonymous.


We need to normalize discussing our salaries within our field. Corporates have made it as uncomfortable as possible to the point of threatening to fire bc if people are transparent with each other than it’s harder to screw us


I just got promoted and the first thing my hr said to me was not to discuss my new salary to anyone but my family 😂


Until an immature idiot asks and goes yelling it all over the place, starting arguments and gossip. Not everyone has the mental capacity to cooperate with their peers. Some people are criminally selfish.


This! Have discussed this with several friends. It also means you understand when they say ‘I can’t afford to’ and you can celebrate when they start making good money


Yep my last shitty boss told us it’s not allowed
And then when we discuss it he wasn’t very happy
Because he was paying a certified pharmacy technician about only a dollar more than a clerk (if I recall correctly)


Preach, ever since i got into stocks durring the summer 2020 I've always engouraged about talking more openly about money.


In Germany it is frowned upon socially and against the rules in many corporations to discuss pay.


Our lawyer of a boss said we're never allowed to Disclose what we make or risk loss of hours or job entirely. I was so taken a back. If she hires someone new, you bet I'll tell them.


It's legal to talk about salary but it can change friendships. I had mate who was always crying about not being able to move out of his parents' house because he didn't make enough. We had a financial chat about what he was earning and his debts etc, and it ended with me losing a lot of respect for him. He had made very bad choices with his money and instead of going hard to reverse them, was just plodding along crying about it. He made twice as much as me at the time, and I just found myself getting resentful because I would have been able to do so much with that salary.


Huh. I worked for a very large, world wide insurance company for 30 years…we were once told that we can’t discuss our salaries with anyone and was actually grounds for termination. I knew they were lying!


If you can't discuss your salary for fear of your friends judging you or taking advantage of you, they're not friends.


That's amazing, you have a great point!!!


Wouldn’t it be more tactful to ask, “What is the salary range for similar positions?”


After doing EXACTLY this with some coworkers in a previous job I learned I was deserving of a raise and actually asked for one. When I got the raise I was advised, in *very* careful language by someone in leadership, against discussing salaried with coworkers “because people’s feelings can get hurt”…After smile and nodding I then proceeding to go to the car park and leave a ranting voice message for my partner that completely filled up his voice mailbox and spilled over into multiple paragraph long texts about how messed up this was and how everyone should be able to justify their compensation packages if there’s nothing sketchy going on, etc. I still think about this memory frequently. One of the few times I have been so mad I cried.


I grew up in a society where it's rude to ask about someone's salary but I think it's healthier to know your worth in a field


Some companies fire people over this, I never knew my coworker’s salary, also she is a snitch, better not ask. Beware of the karen in the workplace, the less interaction with them, the better 💁🏻‍♂️


I have said this to all my coworkers and my old boss was like, oh but it's so tacky to do that and i was like, no it's tacky if the billionaires paying us want us to stay in the dark and now ask for more when we deserve it.


We experience this a lot especially in f&b regarding tip out and tip splitting.
