Functional Programming in Practice with Kotlin & Scala | JCON 2020

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Functional programming concepts are becoming more and more popular among developers, especially due to the popularity of modern languages such as Kotlin and Scala. As of today, hardly any other language revolutionized the world of general-purpose languages like these two did, mainly because they represent a symbiosis of both object-oriented and functional concepts.
However, the adoption of functional patterns isn’t always easy. Many developers find it difficult to free themselves from the imperative mindset of object-oriented programming languages initially. Most likely, this is due to the lack of practical experience with functional patterns such as function composition and persistent data structures.
The participants get to know typical patterns of functional programming by means of examples in Kotlin and Scala. The focus of this talk is on teaching the participants the benefits of these patterns for practical use in their daily business as a developer.
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However, the adoption of functional patterns isn’t always easy. Many developers find it difficult to free themselves from the imperative mindset of object-oriented programming languages initially. Most likely, this is due to the lack of practical experience with functional patterns such as function composition and persistent data structures.
The participants get to know typical patterns of functional programming by means of examples in Kotlin and Scala. The focus of this talk is on teaching the participants the benefits of these patterns for practical use in their daily business as a developer.
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JAVAPRO ist das Magazin für professionelle Java-Entwicklung in der Praxis.
Über das Magazin hinaus ist JAVAPRO Veranstalter der jährlich stattfindenden Entwickler-Konferenz JCON. Auf der JCON stehen Core Java, Enterprise Java, Microservices, APIs und Frameworks im Fokus.
Auf diesem Kanal finden sich Interviews, Sessions, Tipps & Tricks und alles, was das (Java)-Entwickler-Herz begehrt.
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