No way he told that guy he looks like pizza. Scott is wild for that.
Guy seems slightly offended by being called a pizza ten times so immediately Dave says "you wanna do a pic?"
This guys probably my favorite pizza guy so far. So genuine and humble. Dude doesn't even know that an 8.2 means people are now planning trips from 100s of miles away to go order a pie. He's just doing what he does and I love it.
"You look like pizza." 🤣
Only Dave would mean that as a compliment.
"Hate glasses, cant see shit though" made me laugh lol.
I love old school guys like this. Hardworking & putting out great pies. Great score Dave
Dave thinks telling someone that they look like pizza is a compliment, I think he looks like Will Sasso from Mad TV which is less offensive. He seems like a good hardworking man, I always like to see a high score for this type of guy and he handled the "compliment" real well. Remember when he told a fan that he looked like a meatball? Dave has no filter but that's one of the reasons that he's popular.
"I knew it as soon as I saw you... Pizza"
Bro took offense to that for sure
"They come out and they just look like pizza.
It's like,'re a pizza!"
-Scott Portnoy 2024
A multiverse of slices? Dr. Dave unifying quantum physics with the pizza game. Everyone knows the laws.
That's a great looking pie. Love it when the good guys get the score.
That place has "If Tony Soprano laid low and opened a pizza shop" vibes.
Dave is the type of guy who enjoys a soft drink of choice with his order
“Hey, pizza! You did it.” the repetition of calling the guy [a] pizza was hilarious
Enuf with the Scott jokes, at this point even Scott is probably getting annoyed
Cannot believe Dave nailed that pronunciation on the first try
Its a red letter day, dave actually knows where he is.
"You look like pizza" Best fat compliment anyone could have. Everybody knows the rules 🍕
This looks like the kinda local pizza place I'd become a regular at. Real dudes passionate about their work who clearly know what they're doing. Good job fellas!