The BEST Anime of Fall 2021 - Ones To Watch

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Just when you thought 2021's Anime couldn't get any more overwhelmingly awesome, Fall's arrived to prove you wrong! These are the best new shows the season has to offer

#Anime #AnimeRecommendations #OnesToWatch

0:00 Intro & ExpressVPN
2:21 JP Lit.
4:44 An MF-ing Piccasso Reference?
6:47 Sacks & Guns
8:34 Insert Tim Curry Red Alert Line
10:40 The Parasitic Shut-in Show
14:55 Not to be confused with MuteKing
16:25 Hamster Eating Banana
17:46 It's Always the Quiet Ones
20:57 Honourable Mentions
23:36 Sound & Fury

Validate me!

In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.

No, DO ask about After the Rain. It's one of those "The outline is lying" anime. They list it as a romance (between a 17yo girl and a 40yo man) but what it actually is is a Coming of Age story about two people learning to live again. The girl does have a crush on the older man but in that way that teen girls do. The man understands this and doesn't belittle her feelings but also draws a very firm line between them that he never crosses. It's a serious, thoughtful drama with BEAUTIFUL animation and it's slept on because people think it's a pedo romance.


"OLM, or Oriental Light & Magic, which has been around since you could name a company that" It KILLS me that great jokes like this sail by with so little recognition


"The sophisticated eight year old's monster battling franchise of choice."

- Pikachu will remember this.
- Jibanyan will remember this.
- Gammamon was busy eating adorably and will not remember the compliment.


Can I just say that "This show is basically Made-in-Abyss meets a Goofy Movie by way of Gurren Lagaan" is possibly the best descriptor to get someone to watch a show I have ever heard?


I expected ranking Of Kings to be good, but it is WAY better than I imagined.
With out a doubt the best anime this season, and thats saying something.


Literally these videos are at the caliber of college lectures on anime. Not only do I get great recommendations, I come away from these videos feeling like I've gained knowledge and insight about a subject I care about.


Blue Period is one of my favorite manga of all time, but I'm going to have to disagree somewhat that it makes art seem "accessible and fun". One of the core conflicts in the story is that art is often times NOT fun. Despite it being the passion and raison d'etre for many of the characters in the story, art is also the source of a lot of pain and suffering for them. A lot of characters find a passion in art, but they don't get their happy ending. Producing art and letting the world see it leaves you vulnerable, and being vulnerable means you are easier to hurt. Yaguchi's pursuit of art brings him genuine happiness, but it also marks the first time he's ever felt so deeply inferior and worthless. He is constantly being crushed by his own insecurities and fear that he will never be as skilled as his peers.

That's what makes the story so powerful and engaging to me. It's not a strictly 'feel-good' type of story, but it does realistically depict what it's like to throw everything you have into something. It captures why it is that people are driven to create in spite of the hardships it brings, because it means everything to them.


Takt Op. Destiny and 86 s2 have my attention completely. This season is so stacked, Geoff thank you for watching everything for us so we don't have too!


For those unfamiliar with Heike Monogatari, the original story is basically to Japan what the Iliad and the Odyssey are to Greece. That's its level of cultural importance.


Cool point of reference for Heike Monogatari: in real life, long after the fall of the Taira clan, an epic poem dramatizing the conflict was popularized by blind lute players called biwa hōshi. They're the inspiration for Biwa, the anime's fictional POV character who already knows what will happen.


As someone who dislikes most anime old guys perving on young people, After the Rain is superb


Everyone, please, if you find even the barest shrivel of interest in the Blue Period anime, just read the manga. I don’t think that the anime is bad on its own, but the manga is one of the most meaningful pieces I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and that’s including *actual philosophy*. I don’t want people to miss out on that in favor of an above-average anime.


I love how OLM is a play on Star Wars' ILM: "Industrial Light Magic". How in the hell did it take me this long to realize that


Guys please, please do not sleep on Ousama Ranking. It will be amazingly good. Its visual direction and animation are crazy, backgrounds and designs are beautiful, the classical OSTs are amazing, sound direction is impeccable. Adding this technical excellence to classic adventure/fantasy shounen tropes and strongly constructed characters turn this show into a must check, especially for the fans of these genres.


I love how he refers to the dad as "an overprotective dad" when he just doesn't want his 9 year old daughter to pilot a mech to fight kaiju 🤣🤣


i'm actually going to watch everything you recommended, preciate ya!


wanted to express my gratitude for thoughtfully putting together the cream of the crop as always, my abject admiration for all this gorgeous animation, and also how nice it feels to hear things other than "professional shitbag" at the end of some of these newer videos. absolutely your prerogative and none of my business, I just know casual negative self-talk can be a bastard to shake, so. salutes.


As a musician, Takt op. is very accurate with piano fingerings.


Geoff I can distinctly hear every cut word from this script. Please never have another negative thought about your productions in your life, you've Made It. I've got 4 shows to watch and I'm sure they won't be wasted exploration. Nobody else gives you that. What a complete dominance of your chosen niche.


I’m just happy that “My Senpai is Annoying” is finally getting an anime adaption. I read it last year when it was obscure and it’s the most wholesome thing I’ve read
