Mamah Dedeh is the Badass Muslim Preaching Mom of Indonesia

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In the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, male preachers have all the power and fame. ​But one woman, Dedeh Rosidah, reigns above them all. Famously known as Mamah Dedeh​, she delivers her frank, and funny, take on some pretty taboo topics​, like "How to Deal with a Flirtatious Husband" or "Watch Out for Home-wreckers."

She’s so popular that ​hundreds of middle-aged, married women, locally known as "Ibu-Ibu," ​flock to her live shows daily in color-coordinated hijabs, on what they jokingly call a religious pilgrimage. For the ​Holy Month of Ramadan, VICE tagged along with 50 or so of her most hard-core fans.

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VICE made a misktake in translation. Coordinator in video was not asking about being "VIRGIN", he was asking about being "MARRIED".


funny how vice's camera is like 200% better than indosiar's


5:49 there is misleading on here.. Please vote like this comment. that man asking not about virgin (yeah he said "perawan". in english, it called virgin).. In our culture "perawan" also mean "not married yet"


mama dedeh is so cool, i met her once on the street on the way to school and she was on a motorbike waving at people. yes I live in the same city as here. shes so precious.


As an Arab i feel like indensiouns understand more about the religions then we do. And I find them very beautiful. I had the honor of meeting them in makkah and i played around with their cute kids. Their so down to earth, friendly and faithful. May God bless Indonesia where the most musliams are ♡.


for those complaining without knowing anything about history.. strong, independent women has always been there fighting alongside men against invaders in indonesia, martha tiahahu and cut nyak dien are great examples to name a few


We need more lady preachers all around the world because as women they can relate and Answer so many unanswered questions or the ones we are shy to ask the male.


Mamah Dedeh has been around since I was small. Always laughed at her way of presenting controversial topics. She's so funny yet such a strong individual at the same time! Mad respect for her


Now, THIS is a good interview. When you cast a reporter who understands the culture and can relate to it on a personal level, you get a thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive documentary (or mini-documentary in this case, I guess?)
With all due respect, some reporters tackle issues with a judgemental approach and end up missing the point when it comes to explaining a foreign culture or values that don't align with theirs.
I'm not saying that reporters should agree with every single aspect of the country/culture/movement they're covering, they're humans with opinions after all. However, they still should strive to be as unbiased as possible, be ready to challenge their own views, and cover the topic with a holistic approach.


By her accent, feminism, wisdom, and strong attitude
Mamah Dedeh isn't just a figure of religion, she is a figure of culture


I'm not Muslim myself but I really have tears in my eyes listening to Mamah Dedeh. She has so much of grandmotherly warmth. God bless her ❤️


I believe that the South East Asian Muslim are so down to earth and proudly Muslims is because that its richly tied with their culture and tradition if any of you really want to see Islam at its finest then S.E.A is one of those places I highly recommend

I'm so glad to be a Singaporean Muslim


"is there anyone still virgin in here?"
but she didn't get it. (maybe because she's just city girl).
the real meaning is "is there anyone in here unmarried yet?"
This is categorized as a question that contains jokes because those who are asked are old mothers.
everyone who answered this with "Yes" will contain double meaning, and seems impossible.

this is another joke "My Grandma is still a virgin"

and yes it is an impossible statement.
and we use that as a jokes.
but still can be used if the intended meaning is already a widow.
but also unacceptable because he uses the word virgin.

that's why that type of question is categorized as a joke.


haha people who mad for that guy ask whether they are virgin, should learn their language first. perawan means unmarried woman, and also a virgin... its a joke tho.
why these people so butthurt about this.


I like Mamah Dedeh. I really appreciated when she said that her father told her there’s no such thing as a women’s job or a man’s job. She’s pretty much saying that male and female gender roles are stupid and non-existent, which is so hard for Muslims around the world to understand because of some of our ridiculous cultures. Male or female, we equal in the eyes of God and only God is the judge of how good of a person we are.


We really need such Muslim ladies in kenya so as to tackle issues related to the modern Muslim ladies.. Mashaallah Mama Dedeh you rock 👍👍👍


Look how tolerant and non-judgmental these women are to the non hijabi. Spread the Love, not Hate. Understand the message behind this video. But dont call Mama a badass, not quite a respectful term.


I loved how they used the term "Badass" 😂


Hey guys I'm a Somali Muslim and I just wanted to say to everyone in this comment section to stop saying their version of Islam Is wrong. We all have Islam and a little bit of our culture blended in it.


Many foreigner people confuse why Indonesia is majority Islam but their name look like hindu and many other. Short History from Indonesia:
1.Sriwijaya and Majapahit Empire (Hindu-Buddhist Kingdom)
2.Demak and other Sultanate (Islamic Kingdom)
3.European coming especially Dutch (Christian come here)
4.WW2 Japan and independence

So why they very fast converted from Hindu-Buddhist to Islam this is the answer:
1.Declining and fall of Majapahit because civil war, many majapahit noble converted to Islam also Islam promise classless society also arabic languange (yeah trading languange)
2.Rise of Malaka Sultanate and Zheng He Treasure Fleet from Ming Dinasty who contain chineese moslem is rapidly Islamic preaching in this Malayan Archipelago.
3.Wali Songo (Nine Scholar) group of Islamic preacher from around the world came to Indonesia like Shaikh Syubakir (Turkey), Syekh Maulana Maghribi (Morocco) etc but most influential preacher is Sunan Kalijaga from Java who preach Islam but keeping traditional value still intact.
4.Sultanate Demak conquest, after many majapahit noble converted to Islam some of them make new government under Raden Patah to "cleared" civil war messed up and claiming right succession to Majapahit

TL:DR read Majapahit history
