Your First Ballet Class

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Thinking about trying ballet for the first time? Not sure what to expect? Not sure what will be expected of YOU?! No worries. I'll talk you through how to prepare, what to where, how to act, and what you'll be doing.

About Me:
Hi, my name is Victoria! I’m a ballet dancer and teacher trained in the Vaganova method. I make instructional videos without sugar-coating the gritty details. I danced professionally as a freelancer, and in a contemporary company for several years in NYC. Due to the pandemic, I now reside in rural Pennsylvania. I'm a little salty because I struggle with chronic illnesses & invisible disabilities, but I try to keep it real and raise awareness...

Are you actually Russian?:
Yes, I’m technically a tiny bit Russian.
We always thought my mother was 100% Italian. But when she took the ancestry test, we learned she’s actually a bit Middle Eastern and Circassian (Southern Russia) as well!

Did you train in Russia?:
No, I did not attend ballet school in Russia.
But all of my instructors have direct lineage to the Vaganova Academy. I received a majority of my training from Ballerina Irina Lebedeva, as well as other former principal dancers from the Mariinsky Ballet and Bolshoi Ballet.

What ballet academy did you attend?:
I never attended a formal ballet academy. All of my training is a culmination of public dance studios and open adult ballet classes that would run 2-3 days a week- with the occasional summer intensive. This is why I’m only about 85% competent in my execution and lessons. I just do the best with what i've got- The average American dancer might not notice this, but the Russian dancers definitely do!
Growing up near NYC, I took advantage of the most prestigious schools and teachers in the area, including; Gelsey Kirkland, Simon Kazantsev, Yaroslav Fadeyev, Katherine Healy, Leslie Browne, Lupe Serrano, and collegiate programs at American Ballet Theatre.
I did visit St. Petersburg and Moscow after I graduated college in 2012. I had the absolute honor of visiting the Vaganova Academy and observing some classes. I also took company class with Yacobson Ballet.

Where do you work as a professional?:
Since I got such a late start in my training, (and went to college right after high school) I didn’t join a company until I was in my late 20s. Until then, I was mostly teaching and freelancing. I did Nutcracker gigs, occasional guest appearances for studio productions, and entertainment gigs for high end parties. In 2019 I joined a contemporary ballet company in NYC. I left in 2021 when I moved to Pennsylvania. Now I teach in multiple studios in PA, but I'm trying to start my own ballet company.

What’s the story with your company?:
I’m the founder of Indigo Ballet, a collaborative, dancer-run company with no hierarchy. Currently, I’m working on building a repertoire of virtual performances (music videos) to show people what we have to offer. We will be performing for a live audience in Spring/Summer of 2024!

Why do you talk about your chronic illnesses?:
Firstly, this is just the platform where I have the most outreach. I am passionate about raising awareness about hidden illnesses, also called “invisible diseases.” I feel these illnesses are especially relevant to the average ballet dancer since; The field is dominated by AFABs that frequently gravitate towards dance because of natural flexibility. This correlates to hyper mobility spectrum disorders and connective tissue disorders which are rarely diagnosed, and can lead to serious problems later. AFABs also have higher rates of autoimmune disorders and are most likely to have our pain dismissed, if we are not already hiding it for fear of being seen as unreliable or weak.
The ‘teacher’ in me wants to educate any chance I get. If my shared experiences can help a dancer get a diagnosis, early treatment and a longer, healthier career; why wouldn’t I talk about it?
Рекомендации по теме

I NEVER, like really NEVER comment on videos, but I just wanted to tell you how much help you really do with offering these tutorials.I am an adult ballet dancer and most of the teachers do not break down the movements and explain it so well as you do!
Thank you so much and please keep posting amazing content especially the basic movements those are really helpful!
Also I have one simple but frustrating question I always have a wide gap when I'm in the first position and my knees never touch, I went to a physiotherapist and he told me my legs are perfectly fine and don't need any surgeries.what do you think?
Thank you for being authentic and honest always♡♡


1:31 I'm dying @ the exercise ball


haha I loved this with Steve demoing along


Steve is actually really good! He looks totally trainable! xo


BONUS CONTENT AT THE VERY END (after the donation page)


Wow. I wish this video was put up like 7 years ago!


Your videos give me LIFE. hahaha The twerking and the butt on the mirror. I lost it!


Another great video. You are easily the best ballet instructor on Youtube. I worked as a flight instructor for 10 years. You use a lot of the teaching techniques that we use to teach pilots how to fly. However, I have a suggestion: Don't wear baggy pants or bell-bottoms in your videos. We can't see the foot and leg positions clearly. 
My ballet teacher wears the same type of pants sometimes. I've mentioned it to her, but she won't change. It's annoying to keep having to ask her to raise her pant leg so I can see what her foot is doing.


even this is toppie - a sense of humor = intellingence


I needed this!
thanks so much!


Love this . Thank you so much . Would u be able to do a beginner Bar ballet class . I like how your so thorough. I’m a beginner And I’m learning slowly but slowly . Thank you so much . You dance beautifully. 🌸


I remember as a child i so wanted this to dance and in liked the ballet outfit when i saw IT but when i was wearing IT IT the fabric was irritating to my skin, the panty especialy and so during class i was not focussing but constanly staring at the fabric and looking at the other outfits of the the others and wondering if they feld the same that is what i remember 😩😅😔🤭


Well, I wish i saw this before i had my first class. Great orientation. Glad you are back to posting! As a beginner i struggle with memorizing the combinations, perhaps because there is so much new information i am trying to process and retain: motor skills for the muscles, (often working around largely immobile joints-- its almost funny how lost and twisted i get doing alternating frappes!)); trying to keep my counting up with the music; learning french; what are my arms supposed to be doing; and oh yeah, now she wants me to change my head positions along the way. Ballet is so stinking hard for me right now. I am just finishing my third month of classes, but thoroughly I LOVE IT. I am still trying to crack the code for what to do with my arms, and when to do it, and what to do with my head, and when to do that. And last week i even made it through a couple combinations without getting lost. Remembering the entire combinations remains a huge struggle for me thought. Any tips you could share with the beginner world would be greatly appreciated by at least one of your awesome fans!


OMG, you filmed that at an abandoned dance studio, right? That was going to be demolished as soon as you finished filming, right? Because Steve's naked buttocks on the mirrors just condemned that place!


A video on how to walk/run like a dancer could be really interesting and useful. If you agree..?


Some kids really are nuts. The parents can be pretty weird too. 😘
